Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 25 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 20:55  点击:427
Wen Suyun was shocked to know from the police that her son had disappeared.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 25


佳佳坐在对面的沙发上玩着芭比娃娃,老钟则坐在电视机前专注地看着体育新闻。文素云蹒跚地走到老钟身边,用遥控棒把电视关了. 又用虚弱而无望的声音对老钟说,”老钟,立群。。。可能出事了。。。”


“你小子怎么尽干蠢事?你怎么能往家里打电话呢?你现在是通缉在逃,必须切断与自己过去的任何联系!你找个地方好好躲一躲,等过段时间再跟我联系! 好了,就这样。”




[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition

        ba1 bi3     Barbie


    pan2 shan1     to walk unsteadily; to stagger


    yao2 kong4     remote control


    wu2 wang4     hopelessly

        po2 po5 ma1 ma5     fussy


 zuì’è yǒu hén 25


jiā jiā zuò zài duìmiàn de shāfā shàng wán zhe Bābǐ wáwa, lǎo zhōng zé zuò zài diànshìjī qián zhuānzhù dì kàn zhe tǐyù xīnwén。 wén sù yún pánshān dì zǒu dào lǎo zhōng shēnbiān, yòng yáokòng bàng bǎ diànshì guān le. yòu yòng xūruò ér wúwàng de shēngyīn duì lǎo zhōng shuō,” lǎo zhōng, lì qún。。。 kěnéng chūshì le。。。”


” nǐ xiǎozi zěnme jìn gàn chǔnshì? nǐ zěnme néng wǎng jiālǐ dǎdiànhuà ne? nǐ xiànzài shì tōngjī zàitáo, bìxū qiēduàn yǔ zìjǐ guòqu de rènhé liánxì! nǐ zhǎo gè dìfang hǎohǎo duǒ yī duǒ, děng guò duàn shíjiān zài gēn wǒ liánxì! hǎole, jiù zhèyàng。”

nánrén shuō wán huà, bǎshǒu jī wǎng zhuō shàng yī rēng。 yòu cóng shēnshang mō chū yī gēn yān diǎnrán chōu shàng。

” yòu shì gè pópomāmā de zhǔ r。” tā dehuà hé tā de liǎn, dōu bèi yānwù suǒ bāowéi。



[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 25


佳佳坐在對面的沙發上玩著芭比娃娃,老鍾則坐在電視機前專注地看著體育新聞。文素雲蹣跚地走到老鍾身邊,用遙控棒把電視關了. 又用虛弱而無望的聲音對老鍾說,”老鍾,立群。。。可能出事了。。。”


“你小子怎麼盡幹蠢事?你怎麼能往家裏打電話呢?你現在是通緝在逃,必須切斷與自己過去的任何聯系!你找個地方好好躲一躲,等過段時間再跟我聯系! 好了,就這樣。”




[English translation]
Traces of Sin  25

Jiajia was sitting on the sofa on the other side playing with her Barbies. Lao Zhong was watching Sports News attentively on TV. Wen Suyun staggered over to Lao Zhong and use the remote controller to turn off the TV. Then she spoke to Lao Zhong in a weak and desperate voice,”Lao Zhong, Liqun … he’s probably in big trouble …”

“How could you do such a stupid thing? Calling back home? You’re under radar of the police, you have to cut out all your contacts to the world! You need to find a place to hide. Wait for some time before contacting me again please! OK, bye.”

The man threw his cell phone on the table after he finished. Then he fished out a cigaret from his pocket and light it up.

“Such a fuzzy thing.” Immediately, his words and face were all surrounded by smoke.


03/05 12:28
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