Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 28 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 20:56  点击:466
Zhuang Liqun’s income increased quickly after he started to offer “help” to the rich people.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 28



“爽快!那你能帮我一个做玉石生意的朋友拉一车货去省城吗?他太忙,抽不出身,自己没时间跑, 又不想现去雇司机。就想找一个可靠的人, 他会付不错的报酬的。”


庄立群的朋友没有食言, 他帮忙拉货的第二天, 报酬就到了手, 而且比他期望的高得多。他的心里有过忐忑。俗话说, 无功不受禄。他怀疑过那车货品的水份。但这个朋友的特殊身份又让他放下心来。只想在家里心安理得地过日子, 怎么可能成大事?

就这样, 他的这个朋友为他带来了不少机会。他的腰包一天天鼓起来, 胆儿也越来越大。直到有一天, 朋友教他用枪, 他才意识到他似乎无可挽回地走错了方向。


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition

        shuang3 kuai5     frank and straightforward

        yu4 shi2     precious stones; jade

        shi2 yan2     lit. to eat one’s words; to break a promise

        tan3 te4     mentally disturbed; fidgety


    wu2 gong1 bu4 shou4 lu4     Don’t get a reward if it’s not deserved. (idiom);

        shui3 fen4     water contained in another object; (slang) illegal or fake stuff mixed in legal goods

        xin1 an1 li3 de2     to have a clear conscience; to have no qualms about sth


 zuì’è yǒu hén 28


” zhǐyào wǒ bàn dédào de, dāngrán yuànyì!”

” shuǎngkuai! nà nǐ néng bāng wǒ yī gè zuò yùshí shēngyì de péngyou lā yī chē huò qù shěngchéng ma? tā tài máng, chōu bù chūshēn, zìjǐ méi shíjiān pǎo, yòu bùxiǎng xiàn qù gù sījī。 jiù xiǎng zhǎo yī gè kěkào de rén, tā huì fù bùcuò de bàochou de。”

” bù jiùshì bāngmáng kāi kāichē ma, bāozàiwǒshēnshang le!”
zhuāng lì qún de péngyou méiyǒu shíyán, tā bāngmáng lā huò de dì’èrtiān, bàochou jiù dàoliǎo shǒu, érqiě bǐ tā qīwàng de gāo dé duō。 tā de xīnli yǒu guò tǎntè。 súhuàshuō, wúgōngbùshòulù。 tā huáiyí guò nà chē huòpǐn de shuǐ fèn。 dàn zhège péngyou de tèshū shēnfèn yòu ràng tā fàngxia xīn lái。 zhǐ xiǎng zài jiālǐ xīn’ānlǐdé dì guòrìzi, zěnme kěnéng chéng dàshì?

jiù zhèyàng, tā de zhège péngyou wéi tā dàilái le bùshǎo jīhuì。 tā de yāobāo yī tiāntiān gǔ qilai, dǎnr yě yuèláiyuè dà。 zhídào yǒu yī tiān, péngyou jiāo tā yòng qiāng, tā cái yìshí dào tā sìhū wúkěwǎnhuí dì zǒucuò le fāngxiàng。


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 28



“爽快!那你能幫我一個做玉石生意的朋友拉一車貨去省城嗎?他太忙,抽不出身,自己沒時間跑, 又不想現去雇司機。就想找一個可靠的人, 他會付不錯的報酬的。”


莊立群的朋友沒有食言, 他幫忙拉貨的第二天, 報酬就到了手, 而且比他期望的高得多。他的心裏有過忐忑。俗話說, 無功不受祿。他懷疑過那車貨品的水份。但這個朋友的特殊身份又讓他放下心來。只想在家裏心安理得地過日子, 怎麼可能成大事?

就這樣, 他的這個朋友為他帶來了不少機會。他的腰包一天天鼓起來, 膽兒也越來越大。直到有一天, 朋友教他用槍, 他才意識到他似乎無可挽回地走錯了方向。


[English translation]
Traces of Sin  28

“Of course, as long as it’s something I’m capable of.”

“Excellent! Could you help my friend, who’s in jade stone business, to deliver a car load of goods to the city? He’s too busy to find time to do it himself. Moreover, he doesn’t want to hire a driver randomly. He prefers a reliable person and is willing to pay generously.”

“If driving the car is all he wants, I can take care of it with no doubt.”

Zhuang Liqun’s friend kept his words. He was rewarded generously the next day after his help. It was much more than what he had expected. He did hesitate in mind for once. As the old saying went, “Do not accept a reward if you’re not deserved.” He did have doubts on the goods he helped delivered. However, the special identity of his friend made him feel relieved. No one could gain any success by just hiding in his own comfortable zone. Just like that, his friend brought lots of opportunities to him. He’s getting rich than he was day after day. He also became more and more fearless. He hadn’t realized that he had gone on a no-return path until one day his friend began to teach him how to shoot a hand gun.


03/05 02:08
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