Zhuang’s friend enlightened him with the Law of the Jungle.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 29
“你到现在还不明白吗? 这个社会没有绝对的好与坏, 它所遵循的只是一个简单的法则.” 朋友对他耐心开导.
“森林法则. “
“兄弟, 不爱读书吧? 森林法则简单讲, 就是大鱼吃小鱼, 小鱼吃虾米. 谁强谁就得天下. 朝廷是这样, 民间是这样, 江湖更是这样.”
“如果是这样, 你为什么还做你现在的工作?” 庄立群反问到.
“呵呵…” 朋友笑了, “工作只是份工作, 如果你足够聪明, 它可以是你最好的伪装. “
那之后, 庄立群咬着牙杀了第一个人. 他们的行动布置得很周密. 案子至今未破.
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
zun1 xun2 to follow; to abide by
nai4 xin1 patience
kai1 dao3 to straighten sth out; to enlighten;
fa3 ze2 law; rule
jiang1 hu2 (slang) underworld – gangs that operate by different rules other than the law
zhou1 mi4 careful; thorough; meticulous; dense; impenetrable;
e4 meng4 nightmare;
zuì’è yǒu hén 29
“ nǐ dàoxiànzài hái bù míngbai ma? zhège shèhuì méiyǒu juéduì de hǎo yǔ huài, tā suǒ zūnxún de zhǐshì yī gè jiǎndān de fǎzé.” péngyou duì tā nàixīn kāidǎo.
“ shénme fǎzé?”
“ sēnlín fǎzé. “
tā yī liǎn míhuo.
“ xiōngdì, bù ài dúshū ba? sēnlín fǎzé jiǎndān jiǎng, jiùshì dà yú chī xiǎo yú, xiǎo yú chī xiāmǐ. shéi qiáng shéi jiù dé tiānxià. cháotíng shì zhèyàng, mínjiān shì zhèyàng, Jiānghú gèng shì zhèyàng.”
“ rúguǒ shì zhèyàng, nǐ wèishénme hái zuò nǐ xiànzài de gōngzuò?” zhuāng lì qún fǎnwèn dào.
“ hēhē…” péngyou xiào le, “ gōngzuò zhǐshì fèn gōngzuò, rúguǒ nǐ zúgòu cōngming, tā kěyǐ shì nǐ zuìhǎo de wěizhuāng. “
nà zhīhòu, zhuāng lì qún yǎo zhe yá shā le dì yīgèrén. tāmen de xíngdòng bùzhì dehěn zhōumì. ànzi zhìjīn wèi pò.
zhuāng lì qún zhěngzhěng zuò le yī gè yuè èmèng.
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 29
“你到現在還不明白嗎? 這個社會沒有絕對的好與壞, 它所遵循的只是一個簡單的法則.” 朋友對他耐心開導.
“森林法則. “
“兄弟, 不愛讀書吧? 森林法則簡單講, 就是大魚吃小魚, 小魚吃蝦米. 誰強誰就得天下. 朝廷是這樣, 民間是這樣, 江湖更是這樣.”
“如果是這樣, 你為什麼還做你現在的工作?” 莊立群反問到.
“呵呵…” 朋友笑了, “工作只是份工作, 如果你足夠聰明, 它可以是你最好的偽裝. “
那之後, 莊立群咬著牙殺了第一個人. 他們的行動布置得很週密. 案子至今未破.
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 29
“You still don’t understand? There’s no absolute right or wrong in this world. All that truly exists is just a simple law.” His friend nudged on him patiently.
“What law?”
“The Law of the Jungle.”
He looked bewildered.
“My brother, you’re not fond of reading, are you? Simply put, Law of the Jungle means the big fish feeds on the smaller fish, the smaller fish feeds on little shrimp. It’s another word for ‘survival of the strongest’. It applies to the rulers, the civilans and even more to the underworld.”
“If that’s so, why you’re still doing your current job?”
“Hehe …” His friend laughed,”If you’re smart enough, your job could be your best desguise.”
Thereafter, Zhuang committeed his first murder. The mission was very well planned and the case has since not been resolved.
Zhuang Liqun had been having nightmares for a whole month.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 29
“你到现在还不明白吗? 这个社会没有绝对的好与坏, 它所遵循的只是一个简单的法则.” 朋友对他耐心开导.
“森林法则. “
“兄弟, 不爱读书吧? 森林法则简单讲, 就是大鱼吃小鱼, 小鱼吃虾米. 谁强谁就得天下. 朝廷是这样, 民间是这样, 江湖更是这样.”
“如果是这样, 你为什么还做你现在的工作?” 庄立群反问到.
“呵呵…” 朋友笑了, “工作只是份工作, 如果你足够聪明, 它可以是你最好的伪装. “
那之后, 庄立群咬着牙杀了第一个人. 他们的行动布置得很周密. 案子至今未破.
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
zun1 xun2 to follow; to abide by
nai4 xin1 patience
kai1 dao3 to straighten sth out; to enlighten;
fa3 ze2 law; rule
jiang1 hu2 (slang) underworld – gangs that operate by different rules other than the law
zhou1 mi4 careful; thorough; meticulous; dense; impenetrable;
e4 meng4 nightmare;
zuì’è yǒu hén 29
“ nǐ dàoxiànzài hái bù míngbai ma? zhège shèhuì méiyǒu juéduì de hǎo yǔ huài, tā suǒ zūnxún de zhǐshì yī gè jiǎndān de fǎzé.” péngyou duì tā nàixīn kāidǎo.
“ shénme fǎzé?”
“ sēnlín fǎzé. “
tā yī liǎn míhuo.
“ xiōngdì, bù ài dúshū ba? sēnlín fǎzé jiǎndān jiǎng, jiùshì dà yú chī xiǎo yú, xiǎo yú chī xiāmǐ. shéi qiáng shéi jiù dé tiānxià. cháotíng shì zhèyàng, mínjiān shì zhèyàng, Jiānghú gèng shì zhèyàng.”
“ rúguǒ shì zhèyàng, nǐ wèishénme hái zuò nǐ xiànzài de gōngzuò?” zhuāng lì qún fǎnwèn dào.
“ hēhē…” péngyou xiào le, “ gōngzuò zhǐshì fèn gōngzuò, rúguǒ nǐ zúgòu cōngming, tā kěyǐ shì nǐ zuìhǎo de wěizhuāng. “
nà zhīhòu, zhuāng lì qún yǎo zhe yá shā le dì yīgèrén. tāmen de xíngdòng bùzhì dehěn zhōumì. ànzi zhìjīn wèi pò.
zhuāng lì qún zhěngzhěng zuò le yī gè yuè èmèng.
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 29
“你到現在還不明白嗎? 這個社會沒有絕對的好與壞, 它所遵循的只是一個簡單的法則.” 朋友對他耐心開導.
“森林法則. “
“兄弟, 不愛讀書吧? 森林法則簡單講, 就是大魚吃小魚, 小魚吃蝦米. 誰強誰就得天下. 朝廷是這樣, 民間是這樣, 江湖更是這樣.”
“如果是這樣, 你為什麼還做你現在的工作?” 莊立群反問到.
“呵呵…” 朋友笑了, “工作只是份工作, 如果你足夠聰明, 它可以是你最好的偽裝. “
那之後, 莊立群咬著牙殺了第一個人. 他們的行動布置得很週密. 案子至今未破.
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 29
“You still don’t understand? There’s no absolute right or wrong in this world. All that truly exists is just a simple law.” His friend nudged on him patiently.
“What law?”
“The Law of the Jungle.”
He looked bewildered.
“My brother, you’re not fond of reading, are you? Simply put, Law of the Jungle means the big fish feeds on the smaller fish, the smaller fish feeds on little shrimp. It’s another word for ‘survival of the strongest’. It applies to the rulers, the civilans and even more to the underworld.”
“If that’s so, why you’re still doing your current job?”
“Hehe …” His friend laughed,”If you’re smart enough, your job could be your best desguise.”
Thereafter, Zhuang committeed his first murder. The mission was very well planned and the case has since not been resolved.
Zhuang Liqun had been having nightmares for a whole month.