Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 42 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 21:04  点击:483
The victim’s photo disturbed Zhuang Liqun A lot. Liu Mingtian knew he’s close to get a confession out of the suspect.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 42






庄立群把目光移向地板,一身冷汗。”求求你, 别让我看照片!”他心想。







[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
射杀     射殺     she4 sha1     to shoot dead (with a gun, or bow and arrow);
中弹     中彈     zhong4 dan4     hit by a bullet
呈现     呈現     cheng2 xian4     to appear; to present (a certain appearance)
凝固         ning2 gu4     to freeze; to solidify
突兀         tu1 wu4     sudden or abrupt
颤栗     顫慄     zhan4 li4     shiver, quiver
商量         shang1 liang5     to consult; to discuss;


 zuì’è yǒu hén 42


“ zhège rén shì nǐ yòng qiāng shèshā de ba?”

yī zhāng bèihàirén xiōngbù zhòngdàn, liǎnsè sǐ huī de zhàopiàn chéng xiànzài zhuāng lì qún de yǎnqián。 bái chènyī shàng yǐ nínggù chéng àn hóngsè de dàpiàn xuèjì xiǎnde shífēn tūwù。 zhōngnián nán sǐzhě zhēng zhuóyǎn, lìngrén zhànlì de mùguāng chuānguò xiàngzhǐ, zhí cì zhuāng lì qún de miànpáng。

zhuāng lì qún“ ya” le yīshēng, shēntǐ běnnéng dì xiànghòu duǒbì。

“ tā shì sǐ zài nǐ de qiāng xià ba? zhīdào ma? tā sǐ de shíhou nǚ’ér gāng chūshēng liǎng tiān。 rúguǒ zhè yīqiè méiyǒu fāshēng, tā zhìshǎo kěyǐ hé nǚ’ér jiàn shàng yīmiàn。”

zhuāng lì qún bǎ mùguāng yí xiàng dìbǎn, yīshēn lěnghàn。” qiú qiú nǐ, bié ràng wǒ kàn zhàopiàn!” tā xīnxiǎng。

Liú míngtiān guānchá zhe zhuāng lì qún de biǎoqíng biànhuà, ránhòu shēnshǒu bǎ shuǐ bēi sòng dào tā de miànqián。 zhuāng lì qún jiēguò shuǐ bēi, yī yǎngtóu bǎ shuǐ hē wán。

“ bù zhīdào nǐ mèimei zhīdào nǐ zuò de shìhòu huì zěnme xiǎng。” Liú míngtiān xiǎoshēng shuō。

“ bùyào gàosu tā。” zhuāng lì qún dīshēng kěnqiú。

Liú míngtiān zhènjìng dì huíshì zhe tā。“ wǒ dāying nǐ。 wǒ huì hé nǐ mǔqīn shāngliang rúhé huídá nǐ mèimei de wèntí。”

zhuāng lì qún diǎntóu shì xiè。



[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 42






莊立羣把目光移向地板,一身冷汗。”求求你, 別讓我看照片!”他心想。







[English translation]
Traces of Sin  42


“Is this the victim that shot by you?”

A photo of the victim with a face grimly pale and gun shot wounds on the chest appeared in front of Zhuang Liqun. The big blotch of dark red dried bloodstains stood out on his white shirt. The middle-aged male victim stared ghastly at Zhuang Liqun through the photo sheet.

Zhuang Liqun jumped his body backward with a startled cry.

“He died from your shooting, didn’t he? You know what, he just became a father to a new born daughter two days ago. If nothing happened, at least he could have seen her daughter once.”

In cold sweat, Zhuang Liqun moved away his eyes to the floor.”Please, don’t show me the photo again!” He begged in mind.

Liu Mingtian observed the changing face of Zhuang Liqun and passed on the glass of water to him. Zhuang Liqun received the glass and drank all water in one gulp.

“I don’t know what will come to your sister’s mind once she knew what you did.” Liu Mingtian murmured.

“Don’t tell her.” Zhuang Liqun pleaded in a low voice.

Liu Mingtian looked back at him calmly. “You have my promise. I will have a talk with your mother about that.”

Zhuang Liqun nodded lightly to say thank you.


03/03 23:31
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