Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 43 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 21:04  点击:361
Zhuang Liqun admitted his crime. But when Liu Mingtian tried to persuade him to identify the person who planned the whole thing he hesitated.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 43






庄立群沉默了半分钟之久, 然后回答,“是。”

“很好。那你知不知道, 他近期有没有别的什么计划?”刘明天仍然用朋友聊天般的口气继续问庄立群。

庄立群又一次沉默. 刘明天倒吸了口凉气, 心想, 如果他没有及时否认, 那就暗示策划人还有新的计划.




[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition


    cheng2 ren4     to admit; to acknowledge


    jiang3 yi4 qi4     to value personal loyalty

        an4 shi4     to hint; to suggest

        ping2 he2     calm; peaceful


 zuì’è yǒu hén 43


“ wǒ chéngrèn wǒ cānyù le qiǎngjié shārén。” shuōchū zhè jù huà hòu tā tūrán gǎnjuédào yīzhèn qīngsōng。

“ hěn hǎo。 gàosu wǒ, shéi shì cèhuàrén?”

“ zhège… wǒ bùnéng gàosu nǐ。”

Liú míngtiān xiào le yī xiào,“ nǐ juéde nǐ hěn jiǎngyìqì shìbùshì? zhuāng lì qún, wǒ zhīdào nǐ bùshì cèhuàrén, nà nǐ gàosu wǒ, hé nǐ zài131 guódào shàng chíqiāngqiāngjié de nàge tónghuǒ shìbùshì cèhuàrén?”

zhuāng lì qún chénmò le bàn fēnzhōng zhī jiǔ, ránhòu huídá,“ shì。”

“ hěn hǎo。 nà nǐ zhī bù zhīdào, tā jìnqī yǒu méiyǒu biéde shénme jìhuà?” Liú míngtiān réngrán yòng péngyou liáotiān bān de kǒuqì jìxù wèn zhuāng lì qún。

zhuāng lì qún yòuyīcì chénmò. Liú míngtiān dǎo xī le kǒu liáng qì, xīnxiǎng, rúguǒ tā méiyǒu jíshí fǒurèn, nà jiù ànshì cèhuàrén háiyǒu xīn de jìhuà.

zuò bǐjì de niánqīng xíngjǐng yě jǐnzhāng ér qīdài dì kàn zhe tāmen。

“ shìbùshì hái huì yǒurén diūdiào xìngmìng?” Liú míngtiān jǐnliàng bǎ yǔqì fàng pínghé。


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 43






莊立羣沉默了半分鐘之久, 然後回答,“是。”

“很好。那你知不知道, 他近期有沒有別的什麼計劃?”劉明天仍然用朋友聊天般的口氣繼續問莊立羣。

莊立羣又一次沉默. 劉明天倒吸了口涼氣, 心想, 如果他沒有及時否認, 那就暗示策劃人還有新的計劃.




[English translation]
Traces of Sin  43

“OK,I admit that I was part of the robbery and murder.” He felt greatly reliefed after that confession.

“Very good. Who planned all this?”

“This … I can’t tell you.”

Liu Mingtian smiled, “Do you think you’re doing the right thing being blindly loyal to your friends? Zhuang Liqun, I know you were not the one behind all this. Was it the one that robbed together with you on Highway 131?”

Zhuang Liqun was silence for half a minute, and then he said,”Yes.”

“Very good. Then do you know whether he has any other plans lately?” Liu Mingtian asked in a chatty manner.

Zhuang Liqun became quiet again. Seeing the likelihood of another planned crime, Liu Mingtian felt a chill ran down his spine.

The young police officer who was taking notes for the interview looked at them, worried.

“Is anyone going to die?” Asked Liu Mingtian in a peaceful tone.


03/03 23:35
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