Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 45 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 21:05  点击:378
The suspect finally told Liu Mingtian the name of his police friend. Zhao Kaifeng was in shock when Liu Mingtian told him the name.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 45



“你的警察朋友, 我真为他感到羞耻。告诉我,他是谁。”





“柯勇?!怎么会是他?” 他虽然和柯勇是同乡,但和他并没有深交。即使这样,他也很难相信柯勇会犯下这样亵渎警察职业的罪行来。


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
发作     發作     fa1 zuo4     to flare-up; to break out
释放     釋放     shi4 fang4     to release; to discharge;
啜泣         chuo4 qi4     to sob
羞耻     羞恥     xiu1 chi3     (a feeling of) shame
催促         cui1 cu4     to urge
亵渎     褻瀆     xie4 du2     to blaspheme; to profane


 zuì’è yǒu hén 45


gāngcái de fāzuò ràng zhuāng lì qún dé dàoliǎo qíngxù de shìfàng。 tā shuāngshǒu bàotóu, yòu xiàng yī gè shòu le wěiqu de háizi yīyàng chuòqì qilai。

“ nǐ de jǐngchá péngyou, wǒ zhēn wéi tā gǎndào xiūchǐ。 gàosu wǒ, tā shì shéi。”

chuòqì shēng bìng méiyǒu tíngzhǐ。 Liú míngtiān yě bù cuīcù, zhǐshì zài yīpáng nàixīn dì děngdài。

zhuāng lì qún zài xīnli zuò le zuìhòu yīcì zhēngzhá, ránhòu yìcháng píngjìng dì tǔ chū jǐge zì,

“ tā jiào kē yǒng。”
dāng Liú míngtiān bǎ zhège xīn fāxiàn gàosu zhào kǎi fēng de shíhou, zhào kǎi fēng bù gǎn xiāngxìn zìjǐ de ěrduo。

“ kē yǒng?! zěnme huì shì tā?” tā suīrán hé kē yǒng shì tóngxiāng, dàn hé tā bìng méiyǒu shēn jiāo。 jíshǐ zhèyàng, tā yě hěn nán xiāngxìn kē yǒng huì fàn xià zhèyàng xièdú jǐngchá zhíyè de zuìxíng lái。


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 45



“你的警察朋友, 我真爲他感到羞恥。告訴我,他是誰。”





“柯勇?!怎麼會是他?” 他雖然和柯勇是同鄉,但和他並沒有深交。即使這樣,他也很難相信柯勇會犯下這樣褻瀆警察職業的罪行來。


[English translation]
Traces of Sin  45

The angry outburst helped Zhuang Liqun to let go the pressure he had inside. He buried his head in his hands and sobbed like a child who was misunderstood by others.

“I’m very shamed of your police friend. Please tell me, who he is.”

The sobbing didn’t stop. Liu Mingtian didn’t urge. He waited patiently aside.

Zhuang Liqun struggled one more time in his mind and let out a few sounds calmly, “His name is Ke Yong.”
When Liu Mingtian told the news to Zhai Kaifeng, he couldn’t believe his ears.

“Ke Yong?! For real?” Although he was from the same hometown as Ke Yong, he didn’t know him that well. That being said, the truth of Ke Yong’s anti-police conduct was hard to swallow.


03/03 14:13
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