Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 47 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 21:07  点击:564
Zhao Kaifeng admitted his mistake while handling the communication with his colleague. Liu Mingtian forgave him. The new  traces of suspect two was reported.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 47







[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition


    jiao4 xun5     lesson


 zuì’è yǒu hén 47

“ Liú duì, wǒ wéifǎn le jìlǜ, duìbuqǐ! wǒ yàgēn méixiǎngdào huì shì tā。” zhào kǎi fēng yī liǎn qiànyì。

“ zhè cì jiù suànshì gè jiàoxun。 jìzhu zhè jù huà, zài xiányírén méiyǒu quèdìng zhīqián, rènhé rén dōu yǒu xiányí。” Liú míngtiān huàyīn gāng luò, nàge jì bǐjì de niánqīng xíngjǐng jiù fēngfēnghuǒhuǒ dì gǎndào Liú míngtiān miànqián。

“ Liú duì, gāng jiēdào xiāoxi, yǒurén kàn dào kē yǒng chūxiàn zài tā lǎojiā“ yún shāncūn”。”

Liú míngtiān tīng wán xùnsù xiàng zhào kǎi fēng zuò le gè shǒushì, liǎng rén jiù cōngcōng zǒuchū le fángjiān。


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 47







[English translation]
Traces of Sin  4

“Liu Sir, I violated the rule, I’m sorry, I’ve never doubted about him. ” Zhao Kaifeng said apologizingly.

“It’s a lesson learned. Please remember, before the suspect is identified, anyone could be possible. ” Right at that moment, the young officer who’s keeping note of interview came up to Liu Mingtian.

“Liu Sir, we just received a message saying Ke Yong is seen in his hometown Yunshan Village.”

Upon that message, Liu Mingtian gestured Zhao Kaifeng to hit the road with him immediately.


03/03 14:40
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