Police were gathered at Yunshan village to arrest suspect two – Ke Yong, who himself was a member of the police force.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 48
据侦查得来的信息, 柯勇就在屋内。他在警方第一次进入时向外射击。警方被迫退出。但屋里是否还有别人, 并不清楚。
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
shan1 qing1 shui3 xiu4 lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom); fig. enchanting scenery
he4 qiang1 shi2 dan4 (of the military or police) to carry loaded rifles ready for an emergency
zhan4 ju4 to occupy; to hold
la3 ba5 loudspeaker
wen2 si1 bu4 dong4 motionless
zuì’è yǒu hén 48
“ yún shāncūn” shì gè shānqīngshuǐxiù de dìfang。 rán’ér cǐkè tā què bèi hèqiāngshídàn de wǔjǐng suǒ zhànjù。 tāmen wéizhù yījiā nóng zhái, yī gè ná lǎba de wǔjǐng zhèng xiàng wū lǐ hǎn huà。
nóng zhái bù suàn dà, zhōngděng píngfáng hù xíng。 yī dǔ huībáisè de wéiqiáng wéizhù sì wǔ gè fángjiān hé yī gè xiǎo yuàn。 zuò wéi jǐngfāng gōng jiān de jiāodiǎn, yuànzi ānjìng dé ràng rén bù’ān。
jǐngfāng de hǎn huà bìng méiyǒu dédào wū lǐ rén de xiǎngyìng。 wéiqiáng shàng zhū hóngsè de dàmén wénsībùdòng。
jù zhēnchá dé lái de xìnxī, kē yǒng jiù zài wū nèi。 tā zài jǐngfāng dìyīcì jìnrù shí xiàngwài shèjī。 jǐngfāng bèipò tuìchū。 dàn wū lǐ shìfǒu háiyǒu biéren, bìngbù qīngchu。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 48
據偵查得來的信息, 柯勇就在屋內。他在警方第一次進入時向外射擊。警方被迫退出。但屋裏是否還有別人, 並不清楚。
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 48
“Yunshan Village”was a place with enchanting scenery. However, it was occupied by armed police force that day. They surrounded one farm house. A police man was talking through a loud speaker.
The farm house was not very big. A grayish wall encompassed a yard and four or five rooms inside. Being the centre of the police attack, the yard looked uneasily quiet.
The police didn’t receive any response from inside the house. The red door of the house stayed shut.
According to what they knew, Ke Yong was actually inside. He fired back when the policed tried to enter the house at first. Police was forced to back out. However, they were not sure whether there were other people inside.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 48
据侦查得来的信息, 柯勇就在屋内。他在警方第一次进入时向外射击。警方被迫退出。但屋里是否还有别人, 并不清楚。
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
shan1 qing1 shui3 xiu4 lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom); fig. enchanting scenery
he4 qiang1 shi2 dan4 (of the military or police) to carry loaded rifles ready for an emergency
zhan4 ju4 to occupy; to hold
la3 ba5 loudspeaker
wen2 si1 bu4 dong4 motionless
zuì’è yǒu hén 48
“ yún shāncūn” shì gè shānqīngshuǐxiù de dìfang。 rán’ér cǐkè tā què bèi hèqiāngshídàn de wǔjǐng suǒ zhànjù。 tāmen wéizhù yījiā nóng zhái, yī gè ná lǎba de wǔjǐng zhèng xiàng wū lǐ hǎn huà。
nóng zhái bù suàn dà, zhōngděng píngfáng hù xíng。 yī dǔ huībáisè de wéiqiáng wéizhù sì wǔ gè fángjiān hé yī gè xiǎo yuàn。 zuò wéi jǐngfāng gōng jiān de jiāodiǎn, yuànzi ānjìng dé ràng rén bù’ān。
jǐngfāng de hǎn huà bìng méiyǒu dédào wū lǐ rén de xiǎngyìng。 wéiqiáng shàng zhū hóngsè de dàmén wénsībùdòng。
jù zhēnchá dé lái de xìnxī, kē yǒng jiù zài wū nèi。 tā zài jǐngfāng dìyīcì jìnrù shí xiàngwài shèjī。 jǐngfāng bèipò tuìchū。 dàn wū lǐ shìfǒu háiyǒu biéren, bìngbù qīngchu。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 48
據偵查得來的信息, 柯勇就在屋內。他在警方第一次進入時向外射擊。警方被迫退出。但屋裏是否還有別人, 並不清楚。
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 48
“Yunshan Village”was a place with enchanting scenery. However, it was occupied by armed police force that day. They surrounded one farm house. A police man was talking through a loud speaker.
The farm house was not very big. A grayish wall encompassed a yard and four or five rooms inside. Being the centre of the police attack, the yard looked uneasily quiet.
The police didn’t receive any response from inside the house. The red door of the house stayed shut.
According to what they knew, Ke Yong was actually inside. He fired back when the policed tried to enter the house at first. Police was forced to back out. However, they were not sure whether there were other people inside.