Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 54 (Intermediate to Advanced) – END
日期:2014-09-28 21:10  点击:952
Zhuang Liqun finally received a letter from his Dad, who is also in prison. His Dad told him that he would regain his freedom soon. However, Liu Mingtian didn’t tell his Dad about his sentence.  Some time later, his Dad was finally released from prison and was received by his ex-wife, Liu Mingtian and his brother. They were all prepared to support him to face the bad news of his son and start a new life.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 54



在庄贵祥被释放的早晨, 刘明天,文素云和庄贵祥的弟弟静静地等候在监狱门口. 庄贵祥拎着属于自己的那一点物品,忐忑地走出了大门. 五十来岁的他, 已是一头白发. 他看到了文素云,弟弟和那个来看过他的警察. 他心中涌起一股温暖. 他向他们走来, 向他们身后寻找, 但他们中唯一缺了那个他日夜思念的儿子.

他并不知道, 等待他的三个人, 此时比他还要忐忑和紧张, 他们已准备好将实情告诉他,准备好面对他的崩溃, 准备好同心同力帮他走过黑暗, 重新开始新的生活.


- 全文完 -


[vocab table]


    xing2 man3 shi4fang4     release after serving a sentence (idiom)

        ci4 ji1     to provoke; to irritate

        tan3 te4     perturbed; fidgety


    beng1 kui4     to collapse; to fall apart

        tong2 xin1 tong2 li4     spirit of cooperation


 zuì’è yǒu hén 54

Liú míngtiān zǒu hòu, zhuāng lì qún dǎkāi le xìnfēng。 yuánlái, nàshi fùqīn gěi tā xiě de。 fùqīn xiǎnrán hái bù zhīdào érzi chū dàshì le。 hái gàosu tā zìjǐ jiù kuài xíngmǎn shìfàng le。 shuō jiùyào yǔ tā jiànmiàn le。 zhuāng lì qún rěnbuzhù shī yǎn。 tā xiǎng, Liú míngtiān méiyǒu bǎ zhēnxiàng gàosu fùqīn, shì bùxiǎng ràng tā chūyù qián shòu cìjī。

zài zhuāng guì xiáng bèi shìfàng de zǎochén, Liú míngtiān, wén sù Yúnhé zhuāng guì xiáng de dìdi jìng jìng dì děnghòu zài jiānyù ménkǒu. zhuāng guì xiáng līn zhe shǔyú zìjǐ de nà yīdiǎn wùpǐn, tǎntè dì zǒuchū le dàmén. wǔshí lái suì de tā, yǐ shì yītóu báifà. tā kàn dàoliǎo wén sù yún, dìdi hé nàge láikàn guò tā de jǐngchá. tā xīnzhōng yǒngqǐ yī gǔ wēnnuǎn. tā xiàng tāmen zǒu lái, xiàng tāmen shēnhòu xúnzhǎo, dàn tāmen zhōng wéiyī quē le nàge tā rìyè sīniàn de érzi.

tā bìngbù zhīdào, děngdài tā de sān gèrén, cǐshí bǐ tā hái yào tǎntè hé jǐnzhāng, tāmen yǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo jiāng shíqíng gàosu tā, zhǔnbèi hǎo miànduì tā de bēngkuì, zhǔnbèi hǎo tóngxīn tóng lì bāng tā zǒuguò hēi’àn, chóngxīnkāishǐ xīn de shēnghuó.


- quánwén wán -


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 54



在莊貴祥被釋放的早晨, 劉明天,文素雲和莊貴祥的弟弟靜靜地等候在監獄門口. 莊貴祥拎着屬於自己的那一點物品,忐忑地走出了大門. 五十來歲的他, 已是一頭白髮. 他看到了文素雲,弟弟和那個來看過他的警察. 他心中涌起一股溫暖. 他向他們走來, 向他們身後尋找, 但他們中唯一缺了那個他日夜思唸的兒子.

他並不知道, 等待他的三個人, 此時比他還要忐忑和緊張, 他們已準備好將實情告訴他,準備好面對他的崩潰, 準備好同心同力幫他走過黑暗, 重新開始新的生活.

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[English translation]
Traces of Sin  54

When Liu Mingtian left, Zhuang Liqun opened the envelope . It was actually from his Father. Obviously he didn’t know what happened to him. His father told him that he almost finished his service in the prison and would re-gain his freedom. He said they would re-unite soon. Zhuang Liqun couldn’t help but let tears welled up his eyes. He thought that Liu Mingtian didn’t tell his father about his trial because he didn’t want to sadden him before his release.

On the morning that Zhuang Guixiang was finally released, Liu Mingtian, Wen Suyun and Zhuang Guixiang’s brother were waiting quietly outside the prison. Zhuang Guixiang carried all that he had and stepped outside of the prison anxiously. He was in his 50′s though his hair was all gray. He saw Wen Suyun, his brother, and the police officer who had visited him. Warm feelings filled up his body instantly. He walked toward them, he glanced over their back, he couldn’t spot the son that he had missed so much!

He didn’t know that the three were even more anxious and nervous than himself. They’ve been preparing to tell him the truth, to face his desperation upon hearing the truth, and to help him get out of the darkness and start a new life.


- The End -


03/03 14:22
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