Name stories of Chinese leaders 领导人姓名
日期:2014-10-31 21:32  点击:397
Chinese names often symbolize the parents’ good wishes to the children in their future destiny (good learning, health, wealth, patriotic,etc) by their parents. If you have a better understanding of a Chinese friend’s name, you can tell him/her what you know about it, such a respect will be a expressway to become close friends in a few minutes. ChineseHour compiles the name stories of the current Chinese top officials here for your reference. If you are a diplomat or a top leader of your country, and when you meet President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao or NPC Chairman Wu Bangguo, you may tell them you research about their names, there will be a big surprise for them, and they will be happy to tell you more about the derization of their names and their falimies. Is it interesting to learn Chinese in this way? ChineseHour interpretes a list of the Chinese celebrities in the Chinese Blog.


国家主席: 胡锦涛
President: Hu Jintao
–锦  jǐn〖brocade ;bright and beautiful〗
–锦绣前程 jǐnxiù qiánchéng 〖beautiful journey in front〗
–涛 tāo〖billow;big wave〗
–Symbolization: A bright and beautiful future as a safe sail/journey on the sea


国家副主席: 习近平
Vice-President: Xi Jinping
–习 xí 〖learn; habit; usual practice〗
–平易近人 píng yì jìn rén 〖easy to approach to common people〗
–Symbolization: The names comes form the idiom “平易近人 píng yì jìn rén”. It is a usual practice (to learn) to approach common people easily. ChineseHour has the story.

The President of the People’s Republic of China is the Head of State, as well as the supreme representative of China both internally and externally. The State presidency is an independent State apparatus and a component part of China’s State organization. China’s system of the head of state is a system of collective leadership. The president is subordinate to the NPC and directly receives instructions from the supreme organ of State power.

To date, ChineseHour tells you that six men have held the office of the president of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Li Xiannian, Yang Shangkun, Jiang Zemin, and the current president, Hu Jintao.

国务院总理: 温家宝
Premier: Wen Jiabao
–温 wēn 〖warm; gentle and kind; saturated〗
–家 jiā 〖home; family; guojia–homeland〗
–宝 bǎo 〖treasure〗
–Symbolization: To become the treasure of their familiy.

The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, namely the Central People’s Government, is the highest executive organ of State power, as well as the highest organ of State administration. The State Council is composed of a premier, vice-premiers, State councilors, ministers in charge of ministries and commissions, the auditor-general and the secretary-general. The premier of the State Council is nominated by the president, reviewed by the NPC, and appointed and removed by the president. Other members of the State Council are nominated by the premier, reviewed by the NPC or its Standing Committee, and appointed and removed by the president. In the State Council, a single term of each office is five years, and incumbents cannot be reappointed after two successive terms.


人大委员长: 吴邦国
NPC Chairman: Wu Bangguo
–邦国bāng guó〖country;nation〗
–安邦定国 ān bāng dìng guó〖to stablize a country〗
–Symbolization: The names comes form the idiom “安邦定国 ān bāng dìng guó〖to stablize a country〗”. ChineseHour realizes that similar patriotic names mostly have the character “国 GUO-country/nation” inside them, wishing China a strong country (e.g. GUO-QIANG).

The National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China is the highest organ of state power. The Standing Committee of the NPC is the permanent organ of the NPC. The term of office of the NPC and its Standing Committee is five years. The NPC and its Standing Committee are empowered with the rights of legislation, decision, supervision, election and removal.


10/03 04:44
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