Chinese Reader for adult learners – Wan Jun 婉君 [2] (Elementary to Intermediate)
日期:2014-11-06 20:20  点击:475

















健正式举行婚礼. 伯健十分的高兴。















dàn zhòngbìng de tā hěn kuài hūnmí le。

dàjiā yǐwéi bó jiàn kuài sǐ le, dōu shāngxīn tòngkū。

kěshì, dì’èrtiān, bó jiàn de bìng chūxiàn le hǎozhuǎn。 méi guò duōjiǔ, tā jiù huīfù jiànkāng le。

zhōujiā kàn dào wǎn jūn de dàolái jiù le bó jiàn, duì tā shífēn de téng’ài。

zhèyàng, wǎn jūn jiù xiàng zhōu mǔ de qīnshēng nǚ’ér yīyàng zài zhōujiā mànmàn zhǎngdà。

wēnróu měilì de wǎn jūn hé zhōujiā sān xiōngdì xiāngchǔ dé shífēn róngqià。

dàoliǎo wǎn jūn shíliù suì de shíhou zhōujiā zhǔnbèi wéi wǎn jūn hé bó jiàn zhèngshì jǔxínghūnlǐ. bó jiàn shífēn de gāoxìng。

wǎn jūn suīrán nèixīn zhēnzhèng ài zhe de shì èr érzi zhòng kāng, dàn shífēn chuántǒng de tā bùxiǎng wéikàng zhōujiā wéi tā ānpái hǎo de mìngyùn。

yě shífēn ài wǎn jūn de zhòng kāng shì xuéxiào de dàxuéshēng, tā xuéxí hé jiēshòu le hěn duō láizì Xīfāng de zìyóu mínzhǔ de sīxiǎng。

dāng tā juéchá dào wǎn jūn duì tā yě hěn tèbié de shíhou, tā jiù kāidǎo wǎn jūn shuōchū zìjǐ de zhēnxīn huà, tā huì wéi tāmen gòngtóng de xìngfú qù zhēngqǔ。


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
昏迷     昏迷     hun1 mi2     to lose consciousness; to be in a coma
伤心     傷心     shang1 xin1     to grieve; to be broken-hearted
痛哭     痛哭     tong4 ku1     to cry bitterly
出现     出現     chu1 xian4     to appear; to arise
好转     好轉     hao3 zhuan3     to improve; to take a turn for the better;
恢复     恢復     hui1 fu4     to recover; to regain
健康     健康     jian4 kang1     health; healthy
疼爱     疼愛     teng2 ai4     to love dearly
亲生     親生     qin1 sheng1     born to oneself (i.e. one’s natural child)
温柔     溫柔     wen1 rou2     gentle and soft; tender;
美丽     美麗     mei3 li4     beautiful;
兄弟     兄弟     xiong1 di4     brothers
相处     相處     xiang1 chu3     to get along with; to have dealings with;
融洽     融洽     rong2 qia4     harmonious; friendly relations
准备     準備     zhun3 bei4     preparation; to prepare
正式     正式     zheng4 shi4     formal; official;
虽然     雖然     sui1 ran2     although; even though
内心     內心     nei4 xin1     heart; innermost being;
真正     真正     zhen1 zheng4     genuine; real
传统     傳統     chuan2 tong3     tradition
违抗     違抗     wei2 kang4     to disobey;
安排     安排     an1 pai2     to arrange; to plan
命运     命運     ming4 yun4     fate; destiny
十分     十分     shi2 fen1     very
仲康     仲康     kang1 Zhong4     second son’s name
大学生     大學生     da4 xue2 sheng1     university student
接受     接受     jie1 shou4     to accept; to receive;
西方     西方     xi1 fang1     the West; Western countries;
自由     自由     zi4 you2     freedom
民主     民主     min2 zhu3     democracy
思想     思想     si1 xiang3     thought; thinking; idea; ideology; CL:個|个[ge4];
觉察     覺察     jue2 cha2     to sense; to perceive; to come to realize; to be aware;
特别     特別     te4 bie2     especially; special; particular; unusual;
开导     開導     kai1 dao3     to talk sb round; to straighten sth out; to enlighten;
自己     自己     zi4 ji3     oneself; one’s own;
真心     真心     zhen1 xin1     sincere; heartfelt; CL:片[pian4];
共同     共同     gong4 tong2     common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative;
幸福     幸福     xing4 fu2     happiness; happy; blessed;
争取     爭取     zheng1 qu3     to fight for; to strive for; to win over;


[English translation]

However, as sick as he was, he passed out soon after.

The family thought he was going to die, they all started to prepare for the worst.

However, the next day, Bo Jian was actually getting better. Not long after, he’s totally recovered.

Zhou family believed that Wan Jun’s coming actually saved Bo Jian, they appreciated Wan Jun even more.

Thereafter, Wan Jun was raised up by Zhou family like a daughter of their own.

The gentle and beautiful Wan Jun got along with the three brothers very well.

When Wan Jun was 16 years old, Zhou family was planning to hold an official wedding for Bo Jian and Wan Jun. Bo Jian was excited.

Although Wan Jun was actually in love with the second son Zhong Kang, as traditional as she was, she decided to accept whatever arrangement Zhou family had planned for her.

Zhong Kang, at that time a university student who was also in love with Wan Jun, was full of Western ideas about freedom and democracy.

When he sensed that Wan Jun behaved differently while he was around, he encouraged Wan Jun to tell him her real feelings (who she really loved), so he would fight for their happiness.


03/03 14:29
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