Chinese Reader for adult learners – Wan Jun 婉君 [3] (Elementary to Intermediate)
日期:2014-11-06 20:21  点击:735




































wǎn jūn zhīdào bó jiàn yīzhí shēn’ài zhe zìjǐ, bùxiǎng ràng tāmen xiōngdì jiān yīnwèi zìjǐ chǎnshēng máodùn, shǐzhōng bùyuàn xiàng zhòng kāng biǎobái。

zhōujiā wéi zhòng kāng ānpái hǎole yǔ Sòng jiā nǚ’ér de hūnshì。 zhòng kāng jílì fǎnduì。

dàn zài jiārén de bīpò xià, débùdào wǎn jūn zhīchí de zhòng kāng, miǎnqiǎng tóngyì le。

rán’ér, zhòng kāng fāxiàn tā wúfǎ jiēshòu yǔ yī gè bù ài de nǚháir jiéhūn de shìshí。

yúshì, tā dāngzhe suǒyǒu rén de miàn tíchū tuì hūn。 bìngqiě biǎomíng tā duì wǎn jūn de xīnyì。

zhōu fù zhōu mǔ shífēn shēngqì, dàn ná zhòng kāng méiyǒubànfǎ。

zhèshí, lǎo sān shū háo yě zhàn chūlái biǎomíng tā yě xǐhuan wǎn jūn。

zhōujiā luàn chéng yītuán。

zhòng kāng de péngyou xiǎng shèfǎ bāng zhòng kāng hé wǎn jūn sībēn, dàn chūtáo de nàtiān wǎn jūn háishi xuǎnzé liúxià。

zhōu fù zhōu mǔ kàn sān gè érzi wéi zhēngduó wǎn jūn ér bùhé, jiù ràng wǎn jūn xuǎn yī gè dìnghūn。

wǎn jūn shífēn wéinán。 yúshì tā xuǎnzé zìshā yǐqiú jiětuō。 xìnghǎo bèi tiēshēn yāhuan yān hóng jiù xià。

bó jiàn kànchū wǎn jūn zhēnzhèng zhōngqíng de bìng bùshì zìjǐ, bùxiǎng zài gěi wǎn jūn yālì, líjiāchūzǒu。


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
知道     知道     zhi1 dao5     know; be aware of;
产生     產生     chan3 sheng1     to arise; to appear
矛盾     矛盾     mao2 dun4     contradictory; contradiction
始终     始終     shi3 zhong1     from beginning to end; all along;
表白     表白     biao3 bai2     to reveal one’s thoughts or feelings; declaration;
安排     安排     an1 pai2     to arrange; to plan;
极力     極力     ji2 li4     to make a supreme effort; at all costs;
反对     反對     fan3 dui4     to fight against; to oppose;
逼迫     逼迫     bi1 po4     to force; to compel; to coerce;
支持     支持     zhi1 chi2     to support;
勉强     勉強     mian3 qiang3     to do with difficulty; reluctant;
同意     同意     tong2 yi4     to agree; to consent; to approve;
然而     然而     ran2 er2     however; yet; but;
发现     發現     fa1 xian4     to find; to discover;
无法     無法     wu2 fa3     unable; incapable;
接受     接受     jie1 shou4     to accept; to receive;
当着     當著     dang1 zhe5     in front of; in the presence of;
提出     提出     ti2 chu1     to raise (an issue); to propose;
退婚     退婚     tui4 hun1     to cancel an engagement (as in marriage)
心意     心意     xin1 yi4     regard; kindly feelings; intention;
叔豪     叔豪     shu1 hao2     third son’s name
表明     表明     biao3 ming2     to make clear; to state clearly;
乱成一团     亂成一團     luan4 cheng2 yi1 tuan2     to throw into disorder; chaos
设法     設法     she4 fa3     to try; to make an attempt;
私奔     私奔     si1 ben1     to elope;
选择     選擇     xuan3 ze2     to selec to pick; choice; option;
争夺     爭奪     zheng1 duo2     to fight over; to contest; to vie over;
不和     不和     bu4 he2     not get along well; be on bad terms;
订婚     訂婚     ding4 hun1     engagement;
为难     為難     wei2 nan2     to feel embarrassed or awkward
于是     於是     yu2 shi4     thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence;
自杀     自殺     zi4 sha1     to kill oneself; to commit suicide;
以求     以求     yi3 qiu2     in order to
解脱     解脫     jie3 tuo1     relief
幸好     幸好     xing4 hao3     fortunately
贴身     貼身     tie1 shen1     personal (servant etc); worn next to the skin;
丫环     丫鬟     ya1 huan2     servant girl; maid;
嫣紅     嫣紅     yan1 hong2     Wan Jun’s maid’s name
钟情     鍾情     zhong1 qing2     to fall in love; to love sb or sth dearly
压力     壓力     ya1 li4     pressure;
出走     出走     chu1 zou3     to leave home; to go off; to run away;


[English translation]

Wan Jun knew Bo Jian was in deep love with her, she didn’t want to see the brothers fought with each other because of her. So she kept her real feelings all to herself.

Zhou family arranged a marriage to Song family for Zhong Kang. Zhong Kang objected to it out loud.

With the pressure that the family gave him, without the support from Wan Jun, he finally agreed to the arrangement reluctantly.

However, he soon realized that he just couldn’t accept the fact of marrying to a woman that he was not in love with.

So he announced to cancel the engagement in front of both families. He also expressed his love for Wan Jun in front of everyone.

His parents were mad at him. But they couldn’t change his mind.

Meanwhile, the youngest son Shu Hao also stepped out and claimed he loved Wan Jun too.

The Zhou family turned into chaos.

Zhong Kong’s friends managed to help Zhong Kang and Wan Jun to elope, at the last moment, Wan Jun chose to stay.

Zhong Kong’s parents realized that the relationships between their sons were getting tense because of Wan Jun, they asked Wan Jun to pick one as her husband in hoping to settle things down.

That placed Wan Jun onto a difficult position. She committed suicide to escape the dilemma. Luckily her personal maid Yan Hong rescued her just in time.

Bo Jian realized that he was not Wan Jun’s real love. To reduce the pressure Wan Jun was having, he chose to leave the family.


03/03 14:26
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