Chinese Reader for adult learners – Wan Jun 婉君 [4] (Elementary to Intermediate)
日期:2014-11-06 20:22  点击:418

























bó jiàn de chūzǒu ràng zhōujiā fùmǔ hěn shāngxīn。

zhòng kāng kàn dào gēge zhǔdòng líkāi, wèile bù yǔ dìdi jìngzhēng, yě xuǎnzé le líkāi。

lǎo sān shū háo rènwéi rúguǒ tā yǔ wǎn jūn chéng hūn jiù tài duìbuqǐ liǎng gè gēge, jiéguǒ yělíkāi le jiā。

sān gè érzi de xiāngjì líqù ràng zhōujiā fùmǔ shāng tòu le xīn。

zhōu mǔ qiānnù yú wǎn jūn, bǎ tā gǎnchū le jiāmén。

wǎn jūn de yāhuan yān hóng hé tā yīqǐ huídào le wǎn jūn de jiùjiu jiā。

wǎn jūn de biǎogē jiǔhòu xiǎng duì wǎn jūn fēilǐ, yān hóng wèile bǎohù tā, bèi biǎogēqiángjiān。

zǒutóuwúlù de tāmen juédìng yīqǐ chūqù mài shǒugōngyì pǐn móushēng。

bùjiǔ, yān hóng shēng le gè nánhái。 tāmen liǎ jiù yītóng fǔyǎng zhège háizi。

zhòng kāng lí jiā hòu héshang qí děng dàxué tóngxué cānjiā dǐkàng dìguózhǔyì yùndòng。

zài yīcì yóuxíng zhōng zhòngdàn shòushāng。 shàng qí jīngxīn zhàogu tā dào quán yù。

yīzhí ài zhe zhòng kāng héshang qí zuìzhōng yǔ tā jié wéi fūqī。

chéngjiā hòu de zhòng kāng héshang qí huídào zhòng kāng fùmǔ jiā, cái fāxiàn wǎn jūn yǐjīnglíkāi le zhōujiā。


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
主动     主動     zhu3 dong4     to take the initiative; to do sth of one’s own accord; spontaneous;
竞争     競爭     jing4 zheng1     to compete
成婚     成婚     hun1     to marry
对不起     對不起     dui4 bu4 qi3     feel sorry for; sorry
结果     結果     jie1 guo3     as a result; in the end
相继     相繼     xiang1 ji4     in succession; following closely;
透     透     tou4     to penetrate; thoroughly; completely;
迁怒     遷怒     qian1 nu4     to take one’s anger out on sb (who does not deserve it);
表哥     表哥     biao3 ge1     older male cousin via female line;
酒后     酒後     jiu3 hou4     after drinking; under the influence of alcohol;
非礼     非禮     fei1 li3     rudeness; harassment; molestation
强奸     強姦     qiang2 jian1     rape;
走投无路     走投無路     zou3 tou2 wu2 lu4     have no way out; desperate
手工艺品     手工藝品     shou3 gong1 yi4 pin3     handicraft; arts and crafts;
谋生     謀生     mou2 sheng1     to make a living; to survive
不久     不久     bu4 jiu3     not long (after); before too long; soon; soon after;
一同     一同     yi1 tong2     along; together;
抚养     撫養     fu3 yang3     to foster; to bring up; to raise;


[English translation]

Bo Jian’s leaving made his parents very sad.

Watching his brother’s leaving, also trying not to compete with his younger brother, Zhong Kang chose to leave too.

The third son Shu Hao thought if he married to Wan Jun, he would feel sorry to his brothers, so he chose to leave the family too.

Three sons left home one after another, the parents of Zhou family were devastated.

Mother Zhou blamed it on Wan Jun, and asked her to leave.

Wan Jun’s maid Yan Hong and her went back to Wan Jun’s uncle’s home.

One day, Wan Jun’s cosin got drunk and was trying to harass her. In order to protect her, Yan Hong was raped by him.

Desperately, the two girls decided to earn their own living by selling handcrafts.

Soon after, Yan Hong gave birth to a little boy. The two of them raised the child together.


03/03 14:26
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