Chinese Reader for adult learners – Wan Jun 婉君 [5] (Elementary to Intermediate)
日期:2014-11-06 20:23  点击:455
















婉君答应了仲康的请求, 和嫣红回到周家。





zhòng kāng lí jiā hòu héshang qí děng dàxué tóngxué cānjiā dǐkàng dìguózhǔyì



zài yīcì yóuxíng zhōng zhòngdàn shòushāng。


shàng qí jīngxīn zhàogu tā dào quán yù。


yīzhí ài zhe zhòng kāng de shàng qí zuìzhōng yǔ tā jié wéi fūqī。


chéngjiā hòu de zhòng kāng héshang qí huídào zhòng kāng fùmǔ jiā, cái fāxiàn wǎn jūn yǐjīng lí

kāi le zhōujiā。


zhòng kāng qǐngqiú fùmǔ bǎ wǎn jūn hé yān hóng jiē huíjiā zhōng。


bìng duōcì qù wǎn jūn hé yān hóng de zhùchù quànshuō wǎn jūn。


wǎn jūn dāying le zhòng kāng de qǐngqiú, hé yān hóng huídào zhōujiā。



[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
尚琪     尚琪     shang5 qi2     Zhong Kang’s friend in the university
参加     參加     can1 jia1     to participate; to take part;
抵抗     抵抗     di3 kang4     to resist; resistance;
帝国主义     帝國主義     di4 guo2 zhu3 yi4     imperialism
运动     運動     yun4 dong4     movement; campaign;
游行     遊行     you2 xing2     parade; demonstration;
中弹     中彈     zhong4 dan4     hit by a bullet; shot;
精心     精心     jing1 xin1     with utmost care;
照顾     照顧     zhao4 gu5     to take care of;
愈     癒     yu4     to heal;
一直     一直     yi1 zhi2     always; all along;
成家     成家     cheng2 jia1     to settle down and get married
请求     請求     qing3 qiu2     request
住处     住處     zhu4 chu4     residence; dwelling place;
劝说     勸說     quan4 shuo1     to persuade


[English translation]


Zhong Kang joined the political movement against invaders from the west with his friend Shang Qi among others from the University.

During a demonstration, he was shot and was severely wounded. Shang Qi took good care of him until he was fully recovered.

Fallen love with Zhong Kang from the very beginning, Shang Qi finally won Zhong Kong’s love and married him.

The married couple went back to Zhong Kang’s parent’s home, only to find out that Wan Jun was not living there anymore.

Zhong Kang persuaded his parents to have Wan Jun and Yan Hong back to their home.

He also went to wher Wan Jun and Yan Hong lived to persuade them to come back home several times.

Wan Jun finally agreed to come back home with Yan Hong.


03/03 14:07
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