Chinese Reading -Part II Meet NIN Coaches- Learn Chinese Class
日期:2014-11-16 22:12  点击:520


In time to the rhythmic music, her elegant posture and movement draws everyone’s attention. She is Baodiwo Yingpaisi Gym’s coach Zhang Rui who is also a Nike contrac


ted coach (NIN). Following the workout, we interviewed Zhangrui, her whole body emitting a fresh vigourous energy.


Q: How do you think the activity went today? Did it achieve the expected effect?

A: I think today’s activity was a great success. Nike put a lot into planning this event, the main thing was they felt how a lot of professional women out there feel concerned about lacking a sense of beauty. So they thought that via the medium of this transparent glass room they could get our female friends to both enjoy a workout and confidently ② show off their beauty. The title of the event is “Active Beauty”. We hope that, after this, everyone can boost their confidence and beauty via sport.

Q: The coaches have drawn up what forms of exercise to help the capital’s women realize their.

A: In today’s event we arranged a few different kinds of cardiovascular exercises. These included aerobics, yoga and latino dancing among others. These exercises are extremely popular nowadays. I think that only if professional women grasp the need for integrating movement and stillness and a balance of resistance and relaxation will they regain their beauty. Therefore, we think that through these classes, that combine movement and stillness, our women can achieve a complete transformation inside and out. I think that these classes will ③ be a great help in their aim to make themselves more beautiful.

问: 你觉得今天的活动怎么样?是否达到了预期的效果?

答: 我觉得今天的活动非常成功。耐克公司花很大心思来筹划这个活动主要是感于目前众多白领女性感受到自身魅力缺失的困扰,所以就想通过玻璃房这个透明的介质, 让女性朋友在享受运动的同时,自信地秀出动感魅力。这个活动的主题是“我动 我魅”,正是希望大家以后通过运动来提高自己的魅力以及自己的自信心。

问: 教练们策划了哪些运动形式来帮助都市女性实现魅力的梦想?

答: 在今天的活动中,我们给大家安排了几种形式的有氧健身操,其中包括有氧操、瑜珈、拉丁等项目,这些健身操都是目前非常流行的新鲜元素。因为我们认为只有懂 得动静结合、张弛有道的白领女性才有机会赢回魅力。所以,我们想通过这些有动有静的课程让女性朋友由内而外得到一次全新的改变。我觉得,这些课程会对她们 的魅力提升一定会起到很大的帮助。

Q: What are the requirements for being crowned “Nike Beauty”? In your opinion what kind of woman could be described as full of charm and beauty?

A: Everyone can see, in today’s activity each participant has an initial score and a score for after the work out. Doing it like this is so that we can let them see even more clearly the benefits of working out to theirQ: What are the requirements for being crowned “Nike Beauty”? In your opinion what kind of woman could be described as full of charm and beauty?

A: Everyone can see, in today’s activity each participant has an initial score and a score for after the work out. Doing it like this is so that we can let them see even more clearly the benefits of working out to their that working out brings about a complete improvement in their individual beauty and overall feeling. Also, this is wher the essence of this whole event lies, “Active Beauty”.

Q: Under a coach’s guidance, lots of young women have been substantially transformed with renewed self-belief. What do you think about their transformation?

A: Of course I am delighted, coaches are envoys of beauty. If through our efforts, a whole lot of the capital’s women can achieve their beauty targets, then that is our ultimate goal. We hope we can transmit our beauty to our female friends, get them moving and get them glamoured up.

Q: Which kind of exercise do you think is most suitable for today’s urban woman?

A: I don’t think you can be specific about these, there are too many. Generally speaking, classes nowadays, such as cardiovascular, latin, boxing are all great for modern city girls. Latin dancing can get women full of energy and yoga can relax and de-stress. However, something that is quite important is that, women pick things that they enjoy doing. I believe, only if you really throw yourself into sport can you achieve “Active Beauty”.

问: 获得“新生之星”的标准是什么?在你心目中,怎样的女性才称得上是魅力四射?

答: 大家可以看到,在今天产生的“新生之星”中,每个人都有一个最初的原始分数和一个运动结束后的分数。这样做是为了让她们通过运动实现的魅力提升更加明显 化,让人感觉到她们在运动之后是最漂亮的。所以,我认为“新生之星”的标准应该是这样的:让运动使她们的个人魅力和整体感觉有一个全新的提高,而这也是我 们举办这次活动的灵魂所在——“我动 我魅”。

问: 在教练的指导下,很多年轻女性健身后焕然一新,变得充实、自信!看到她们的变化,你有什么看法?

答: 当然是非常非常地高兴,作为教练来讲,我们就是美丽的使者。如果通过我们的努力,让广大的都市女性得到美丽,那这就是我们的最终目的。我们希望把我们的魅力传播给所有的女性朋友,让她们动起来,魅起来。

问: 你认为哪种健身项目最适合现代都市女性?

答: 我觉得这些项目并不是很笼统,很片面的。总的来说,目前的这些课程,比如有氧、拉丁、搏击这些项目都很适合现代的都市女性,其中有氧拉丁可以使女性朋友充 满活力,而瑜珈可以使人心旷神怡。不过,有一点很重要,那就是女性朋友要根据她们自身的兴趣爱好来选择自己喜爱的项目。我相信,只要真正地投入到运动中来 的话,就一定能达到“我动 我魅”的境界。


03/14 21:34
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