Microsoft's Search Engine: Bing "必应(bì yìng)"
Microsoft's Search Engine: Bing "必应(bì yìng)"
Bing is a search engine launched by Microsoft recently to replac the Live Search. Microsoft has claimed that this search engine will come out with a completely new look to bring a new revolution. In Chinese, Bing is translated to 必应(bì yìng), which means to give answers to whatever is requested. 必应(bì yìng) comes from a Chinese proverb 有求必应(yŏuqiúbìyìng) always say yes to seekers of help. This translation is the perfect illustration for Microsoft's new search engine's positioning and shows Microsoft's determination for localization in the Chinese search market.
The Usage of 有求必应(yŏuqiúbìyìng) always say yes to seekers of help
有求(yŏu qiú) refers to the requests one asks for, and 必应(bì yìng) always say yes to one's requests.
E.g. 1.他对他的妻子有求必应。
Tā duì tā de qīzi yŏu qiú bì yìng.
He always says yes to his wife requests.
Tā shì gè rè xīn rén, yŏu qiú bì yìng.
He is a warm-hearted man and always say yes to others' requests.
Microsoft's Search Engine: Bing "必应(bì yìng)"
Bing is a search engine launched by Microsoft recently to replac the Live Search. Microsoft has claimed that this search engine will come out with a completely new look to bring a new revolution. In Chinese, Bing is translated to 必应(bì yìng), which means to give answers to whatever is requested. 必应(bì yìng) comes from a Chinese proverb 有求必应(yŏuqiúbìyìng) always say yes to seekers of help. This translation is the perfect illustration for Microsoft's new search engine's positioning and shows Microsoft's determination for localization in the Chinese search market.
The Usage of 有求必应(yŏuqiúbìyìng) always say yes to seekers of help
有求(yŏu qiú) refers to the requests one asks for, and 必应(bì yìng) always say yes to one's requests.
E.g. 1.他对他的妻子有求必应。
Tā duì tā de qīzi yŏu qiú bì yìng.
He always says yes to his wife requests.
Tā shì gè rè xīn rén, yŏu qiú bì yìng.
He is a warm-hearted man and always say yes to others' requests.