106th Canton Fair is currently being held in Guangzhou. China. It is also known as China import and Export Trade Fair, which was founded in the spring of 1957. It is held each spring and autumn in Guangzhou. In China, it is the most comprehensive international trade event with 历史最长(lìshĭ zuì cháng) the longest history, 层次最高(céngcì zuìgāo) the highest levels, 规模最大(guīmó zuì dà) the largest scale, 商品种类最全(shāngpĭn zhŏnglèi zuì quán) the most complete selection of products, 到会商客最多(dàohuì shāngkè zuìduō) highest turn-out of business people, 成交效果最好(chéngjiāo xiàoguŏ zuì hăo) and the most effective platform to get deals done.
生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:
进出口(jìn chūkŏu): v/n. import and export
商品(shāngpĭn): n. commodity
商客(shāngkè): n. business people
生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:
进出口(jìn chūkŏu): v/n. import and export
商品(shāngpĭn): n. commodity
商客(shāngkè): n. business people