Learn Chinese Pinyin in 21 Days – Day 21: Pinyin Test
日期:2014-11-29 15:24  点击:1356

This is the last lesson of our learning pinyin in 21 days, the pinyin crash course. Congratulation!

How are you doing on your pinyin learning with this pinyin course? Take the following pinyin test, and evaluate what you have learned and what you have mastered. To master pinyin, you need to practice and use it as possible as you can. I am sure you have made some progress!

1. Can you write down 6 single finals of Pinyin?

2. Can you write down 23 initials of Pinyin?

3. Identify each pinyin, and put it into the right group.

b, p, o, iu, zi, ne, sh, ai, w, ying, ie, ui, k, yi, wu, er, n, u, en, yuan


4. Add a tone mark for each syllable bellow.

1) Add the 1st tone

bang, wan, xiao, bie, gui, tai

2) Add the 2nd tone

wei, ye, liu, bai, xun, po

3) Add the 3rd tone

lou, mao, fen, dou, dui, nei

4) Add the 4th tone

wei, yong, yun, pei, liu, tou

5. Can you write your name using pinyin with correct tones?

6. Can you write your family’s names using pinyin with correct tones?


03/13 15:49
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