Chopsticks 11 Fish Flavored Sliced Meat, Indian Lettuce with Peanut and Sesame Sauce
日期:2014-11-29 18:37  点击:391

On today's Chopsticks, we follow our host Jennifer Hsiung to learn how to make two authentic Sichuan dishes - Fish Flavored Sliced Meat and Indian Lettuce with Peanut and Sesame Sauce - with the chef at Beijing's South Beauty Restaurant.

Fish Flavored Sliced Meat 
Fish Flavored Sliced Meat 

Sichuan cuisine is one of the most renowned varieties of Chinese food and is famous for its tongue-numbing spiciness. Don't just sit there, join in and learn how to prepare the dishes by yourself.

Indian Lettuce with Peanut and Sesame Sauce 
Indian Lettuce with Peanut and Sesame Sauce 



03/03 23:25
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