宁财神吸毒被警方控制 Renowned Chinese screenwriter detained over drug use
日期:2014-11-29 19:07  点击:282

Another Chinese celebrity catches wide attention for being found using drug.

Beijing police says they have detained Chen Wanning, a popular screenwriter for possession of ice at an apartment in downtown Beijing.

Chen admits later that he was taking the drugs while being caught.

"This afternoon police officers seized methamphetamine in my apartment. I feel deeply sorry and regretful for my taking drugs."

Chen, more known to the public as Ningcaishen, is acclaimed as one of the most prominent screenwriters here in China.

He is the latest big name to be caught taking drug, after singer Li Daimo was detained for the same reason in April.

Chen's detention comes as the police authorities are launching raids against drug use here in China, while embarking the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.




宁财神本名陈万宁,编剧、作家,曾被誉为“中国第一代网络写手领军人物”、 网络写手“三驾马车”之一。代表作品包括《武林外传》《大笑江湖》《龙门镖局》等。目前,他是热播节目《非诚勿扰》的嘉宾主持。

根据群众举报,6月24日18时许,北京市公安局禁毒总队会同朝阳分局,在朝阳区工体北路一公寓内将涉嫌吸食毒品的陈某某(男,39岁)查获, 并从其办公桌抽屉内起获一小包冰毒,以及吸毒工具等。尿检结果显示,陈某某尿检呈毒品冰毒阳性 。  


10/03 06:37
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