我国科学家获得液态金属新突破 液态金属变形《终结者》或成现实
日期:2014-11-29 19:13  点击:503
Chinese scientists have discovered that liquid metal can shift in various of forms and movement patterns under certain conditions.

The scientists put the liquid metal under control of an electric field by using the alloy of the liquid metal gallium.

Under the low voltage field, the liquid metal can shift from a film to a small sphere, then merge into a big sphere.

Engineers say the discovery could eventually lead to the creation of a liquid metal shape-shifting robot.

Liu Jing, a member of the research team, says their research might also have medical applications.

"It could also be designed to move in the micro tube, such as robot used in blood vessel. If your blood vessel was blocked, this could be used to clean your blood vessel without hurting your body."

Researchers also say techniques based on the discovery could also help repair broken nerves and open up a new direction in the field of bio-medicine.

The discovery has been joinly made by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University.

我国科学家获得液态金属新突破 液态金属变形《终结者》或成现实


经典科幻电影《终结者》系列第二、三部和中出现的T-1000和T-X型号终结者让人们领略到了液态金属机器人的魅力,虽然现实研究与科幻还存在一 定距离,但中科院理化所和清华大学联合研究组利用合金技术,首次发现液态金属可在一定条件下在各种形态和运行模式之间进行转换,而这一发现对于可变形机器 人的设计制造开辟了新的途径。

研究人员表示:可以通过电子控制,来实现一个比如站立的行动,原来可能就象一堆液体,它也许可以站立起来,这是一个目前实验室正在尝试的渠道,希望 通过这样的功能单元来组合成各种形态,可以在比如抗震救灾废墟里面传统机器人很难做到的动作,可用这种变形机器人来完成。这种机器人的实现还有一段路要 走,但通过这种可控变形金属研究,很多幻想都有实现的可能。(来源: 央视)


10/02 16:26
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