网传某天后吸毒被抓 王菲经纪人发声明严正否认
日期:2014-11-29 19:15  点击:365
Faye Wong's Manager Refutes Star's Drug Rumors

The agent of star singer-songwriter Faye Wong, has issued a statement denying that the star is in legal trouble over alleged drug use.

Earlier on Tuesday, rumors circulated on Weibo that a "diva" was arrested for drug-use in Beijing. Since Wong is often referred to as a diva by Chinese media, netizens believed that the unsubstantiated rumors hinted at Wong's supposed arrest.

Faye's manager, Katie Chen, immediately stepped up to defend Faye from the allegations of the star's drug-use when the rumor gained traction.

Chen asked the media in a statement to "refrain from spreading arbitrary rumors," concluding that her company reserves the right to "pursue legal action" on the matter.

Last month, Chinese playwright Ning Caishen and director Zhang Yuan were arrested for drug-use in separate incidents.

网传某天后吸毒被抓 王菲经纪人发声明严正否认


 近日,有微博网友爆料某大牌天后吸毒被抓,该网友在微博里写道:“娱乐圈真是不太平,有一位大牌天后吸毒被抓,能不能被媒体曝出就要看公 关能力了 。”此消息一出引发网友关注,王菲、那英、张曼玉、赵薇、张惠妹等天后纷纷趟枪。不少网友对此消息表示怀疑,调侃到:“发唱片出专辑时,每个都是天后,出 事的时候,王菲就是唯一的天后了。”


10/02 14:22
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