日期:2014-11-29 19:15  点击:1387
Harry Potter is back mysterious, married, and going gray. J.K. Rowling has given fans a glimpse of the grown-up boy wizard in a new story posted Tuesday on her Pottermore website.

The 1,500-word story describes Harry, about to turn 34, attending the final of the Quidditch World Cup with his family and old friends, Ron and Hermione. Harry is now greying and has a mysterious cut on his cheek, related to his "top secret" work as an evil-battling Auror.

Meanwhile, Ron now runs the family joke shop, while Hermione is a, literally, high-flying civil servant; Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The story is written in the style of a gossip column for the Daily Prophet by reporter Rita Skeeter, a minor character in the novels.

There are also updates on other characters, including Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood, as well as glimpses of a new generation of teenage wizards. It's the first updat since "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was published in 2007, but there are "no plans" for a new Potter novel.

Rowling has long said that "Deathly Hallows," would be the last Potter novel, but has produced other Potter-related material, including spin-off story collection, "The Tales of Beedle the Bard."


据外国媒体报道,《哈利·波特》作者J.K.·罗琳放出了该故事新章,将这段1500字 的小故事发在了她个人网站,全文以《预言家日报》一名记者的视角展开,34岁的哈利·波特参加2014年“魁地奇世界杯”,他已有银发,颧骨有神秘伤痕。 罗恩·韦斯莱的红发少了一些,赫敏、金妮、卢娜和隆巴顿也在其中出现。外媒整理了一些要点:

如今的哈利已经是一名著名的傲罗(Auror),一个对抗黑巫师的优秀巫师。他已有了灰发,仍然戴着眼镜。他的颧骨有一道可怕的伤疤,可能是因为工 作得来的。哈利的妻子,金妮,在《预言家日报》工作,报道魁地奇世界杯。罗恩不再当傲罗,而是在和别人共同打理韦斯莱魔法笑料店。赫敏如今已是魔法法律执 行司副司长,很可能会继续高升。纳威在霍格沃茨教药草学,他的妻子汉娜·艾博是个治疗师。卢娜嫁给了一个“著名神奇生物学家(也就是《神奇动物在哪里》的 作者纽特·斯卡曼)”的孙子,生了一对双胞胎儿子。查理·韦斯莱是个驯龙人,单身。珀西·韦斯莱成了魔法交通司的头头。罗琳近期写了不少魁地奇世界杯相关 的小故事,跟巴西世界杯相呼应。


10/02 12:27
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