郭美美因赌球被抓 Guo Meimei arrested for alleged soccer gambling
日期:2014-11-29 19:16  点击:404
Infamous Internet personality Guo Meimei has been arrested for allegedly participating in World Cup gambling activities, Beijing police confirmed on Thursday.

The capital's law enforcement revealed on its official microblog that eight people have been arrested for holding illegal soccer pools, with Guo Meimei being named among the suspected offenders.

The group reportedly created an account on a foreign gambling website and organized illegal activities by betting via phone and popular mobile app Wechat during the World Cup.

During a phone interview with a reporter from the online Chinese news outlet 163.com, Guo's agent hinted at the woman's involvement in the incident.

In 2011, Guo gained national attention when she used social media to claim she managed an organization under the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC), while openly flaunting her wealth and extravagant lifestyle.

Guo's actions earned her the condemnation of the public and put the legitimacy of the charity group's actions in China into question.





最初以炫富驰名网络的郭美美,自称“红十字会商业总经理”,并在网上炫耀她著名的玛莎拉蒂,结果将红十字会的公信力瞬间打入谷底,至今难以翻身。近 几年,有关她涉赌的消息总会间歇性爆发。网络上不时出现郭美美在赌场中的留影,还有人爆料称她欠赌资以亿元计。巴西世界杯开赛至今,郭美美在个人微博上也 屡次发出“买了巴西”、“买了智利”之类的话,也多次称“输大了”。


10/02 10:43
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