日期:2014-11-29 19:17  点击:541
Italy's 1st Cinema-Themed Amusement Park to Open Outside Rome

Italy's first amusement park dedicated to the world of cinema is about to open outside Rome.

Cinecitta World, named after the renowned Italian film studio, is designed by three-time Oscar winner Dante Ferretti and master film composer Ennio Morricone. The park comes complete with set recreations and soundtracks loosely based on famous film genres.

President of Cinecitta Parks, Emmanuel Gout, boasts of the spirit behind the park's attractions.

"The idea is that people will also enter not only set, but the confusion of a place wher we are shooting movie. Everything will be illusion because it's cinema; so we have to be close to illusion, but the idea is that, just after the gate, you will find a world, which is totally different."

Dante Ferretti, who has worked with the studio for most of his career, says the theme park has a direct link to the robust history of Italian cinema.

"Yes, it's mythical, Cinecitta is Italian cinema. And Italian cinema is Cinecitta. Cinecitta World is an extension of Italian cinema."

Cinecitta World mixes heart-stopping roller coasters with the pleasure of cinematic recreation, with attractions like the Erawan elephant dro tower, the space-ship themed Altair corkscrew roller coaster, and the ancient Rome water coaster.

The park will open on July 24th.


提起电影主题乐园,最有名的当属美国洛杉矶的“环球影城”,本月底,意大利最新打造的电影主题乐园即将开门迎客,带游客重回意大利电影的黄 金时代。从罗马驱车45分钟,当看到经典默片《卡比利亚》的巨大雕塑时,意味着意大利电影主题乐园到了!虽然还要等到7月24日才正式对外开放,眼下已经 有部分特邀游客前来体验。

意大利电影制造业历史悠久,早在20世纪30年代,罗马就建成了和好莱坞媲美的电影城,当时曾是欧洲最大的电影片厂,因此也被称为“台伯河上的好莱 坞”(Hollywood on the Tiber)。电影乐园就是以电影城为灵感建造的,目的在于带领游客重回意大利电影的黄金时期。正如这位游客所感受的,这处场景的确是模仿2002年《纽 约黑帮》中的布景搭建的,而当年那部电影的布景师丹提·费瑞提就是一位意大利电影人。除了漫步怀旧的布景街道,体力好的人还可以参加互动游戏,戴上头盔进 入这艘“潜艇”,和“水手”一起体验“潜艇逃脱”的刺激。追求刺激的游客也能在电影乐园找到适合自己的娱乐项目,太空船、过山车、水上滑道……一定会让游 客尽兴而归。



10/02 08:24
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