《驯龙高手2》8月卷土重来 好评率超高
日期:2014-11-29 19:17  点击:393

"How to Train Your Dragon 2" Gets Mainland Release Date

The U.S. family fantasy hit, "How to Train Your Dragon 2," is coming to China next month.

DreamWorks Animation confirmed yesterday that Chinese authorities have approved the film for an August 14th release here in the mainland, giving the hit sequel a chance to set a blaze across the world's fastest-growing film market.

Since its initial release in early June, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" has raked in more than 350 million U.S. dollars worldwide.

The move also stands as another notch in DreamWorks' working relationship with China.

In March, the company revealed plans for a 2.4-billion-U.S.-dollar entertainment complex to be built in Shanghai.

Likewise, "Kung Fu Panda 3" will be released through Oriental DreamWorks, the studio's Shanghai-based joint-venture with Chinese partners.

据悉,动画电影《驯龙高手2》将于今年暑期档隆重归来。《驯龙高手》曾在全球斩获4.95亿美元票房,《驯龙高手2》则定于8月14日在中国内地上 映。片中,父亲斯多戈希望儿子小嗝嗝成为下一任首领,而小嗝嗝虽有美好的梦想,却看不清未来。最终,一次奇遇改变了小嗝嗝,让他明确了自己的人生目标,并 收获了家庭的团聚。




10/02 06:30
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