古巨基与助理女友20年爱情修成正果 Leo Ku Reveals Engagement to Long-Time Assistant
日期:2014-11-29 19:18  点击:305
Hong Kong singer and actor, Leo Ku, posted a set of engagement photos with his long-time assistant, Lorraine, to his Weibo on Tuesday.

Ku's contracted company, Hong Kong-based Emperor Entertainment Group, has confirmed the engagement, and said the exact date for wedding ceremony is yet to be released.

Rumors about the 41-year-old actor's relationship with his 45-year-old assistance have been circulated in Chinese media for close to 20 years.


据了解,古巨基老婆名叫陈英雪(Lorraine)。1993年古巨基由艺人身份签约成为歌手后,陈英雪便是其贴身助手,最终日久生情,陈英雪为了 古巨基宁愿放弃高薪厚职,多年来一直无怨无悔地在其背后做“隐形女友”。自此绯闻就传足20年,二人早已是圈中公认的一对,2010年还曾传出两人双喜临 门,惟最终只闻楼梯响,并没有得到证实。多年来古巨基直将恋情封口不提,只以“得力助手”来称呼女友,如今这一场爱情马拉松终于将修成正果。


10/02 03:18
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