日期:2014-11-29 19:24  点击:560

National Gymnastics Team Divorce Li Ning after 23 Years Marriage 

China's national gymnastics team has officially changed its sponsorship to Anta after a 23-year-old partnership with Li Ning.
Li Ning's iconic brand has helped Chinese gymnasts win scores of Olympic and world championships over the past two-plus decades.
Sportswear brand Li Ning was created by one of Chinese most well-known Olympic medalists, Gymnast Prince Li Ning, who won 14 world champions and over 100 gold medals in his career.
The much-storied athlete made his name at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, wher he won three gold, two silver and one bronze.
He was also given the honor of lighting the Olympic torch at the Bird's Nest in Beijing during the opening ceremony for the 2008 Olympic Games. 
安踏抢夺国家核心运动队 李宁终结23年体操赞助史



体操比赛服采用代表中华民族的「龙与凤」图案,象徵「人中龙凤、人杰翘楚」。男子队的比赛服,胸前印有国徽,後背则镶有象徵冠军的金色五角星;女子 队比赛服上镶有钻石以及中国传统古玉,闪耀夺目;蹦床队比赛服,将水墨与书法融汇其中,书法写意的翔龙翻腾於山水之颠,彰显着蹦床运动员腾空飞舞的恣意灵 活,也寓意着蹦床队不断腾空向上,将勇创辉煌。体操国家队原先的赞助商为李宁,双方合作逾20年。


10/01 09:49
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