日期:2014-11-29 19:35  点击:275

Kai Ko Arrested for Illegal Drug Use in Beijing

Chinese actor Kai Ko has allegedly been detained in Beijing for illegal drug use. Ko who rose to fame for his role in "You Are the Apple of My Eye" was on holiday in the Chinese capital at the time.

Rumors of him taking the illegal substances went viral on China's social Media. The thread said Jaycee Chan - son of actor Jackie Chan - was also present at the scene.

Ko Kai follows a string of celebrities who had been arrested on drug charges in China recently. These include director Zhang Yuan, playwright Ning Caishen, and actor Zhang Mo.

Celebrities who are caught taking drugs will now struggle with work. As of last week 42 major agencies in Beijing signed an agreement to boycott drug users.


8月18日晚,柯震东、房祖名吸毒的消息经过40多小时的发酵,终于得到多方证实。根据平安北京消息,此次吸毒事件发生于8月14日,经群众举报, 北京警方在东城区将房祖名、柯震东等涉毒人员查获,在房祖名住所缴获毒品大麻100余克。房祖名因涉嫌容留他人吸毒罪,被依法刑事拘留,而柯震东本人被处 以行政拘留,关押时间为14天。

09/30 19:28
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