日期:2014-11-29 19:35  点击:320


这段放在YouTube网站的影片在缅因州拍摄。小布什穿着T恤坐在阳台上对着镜头说:“告诉所有给我下战帖的人,我觉得淋冰水有失总统身分。所以 呢,我开支票捐钱就好了。”接着小布什夫人劳拉入镜,把一桶冰水从他的头上浇下,小布什惊吓之余,发出 “哇”的叫声。劳拉拿着冰桶说:“支票是我开的(水就让他淋),我可不想弄坏我的发型。”然后小布什点名克林顿接受挑战。他说:“昨天是比尔生日,我给他 的生日礼物就是一桶冰水。”

冰桶挑战活动,在短短三个多礼拜的时间内,已经替美国的渐冻人关怀机构,募集到四千多万美元善款,是去年同期 的二十倍,按照游戏规则,完成挑战的人,可以点名他人接棒,奥巴马是被肯尼迪家族的大家长、也就是罗柏肯尼迪的遗孀(艾瑟儿肯尼迪)点中,高龄86的艾瑟 儿几天前带领全家在他们位在麻州的住所完成挑战,当时,奥巴马也在麻州渡假。


George W. Bush Does "Ice Bucket Challenge," Invites Bill Clinton to Take Part 
Former U.S. President George W. Bush has posted a video showing him taking the so-called ALS "ice bucket challenge," which aims to raise money and awareness about the degenerative disease.
Bush also dared former U.S. President Bill Clinton to do the same.
Although he was challenged multiple times, Bush said in the video he would write a check to the campaign, since being doused with ice-cold water wasn't "presidential."
But former first lady, Laura Bush, thought different.
"That cheque is from me. I didn't want to ruin my hairstyle."
After being drenched with water by his wife, Bush invited Clinton to take part in the challenge.
"Yesterday was Bill's birthday and my gift to Bill is a bucket of cold water."
The initiative involves people posting video of themselves being drenched in ice water and challenging others to also take the plunge. Those who don't take the challenge instead donate money.
ALS is an illness that affects the function of nerves and muscles.

09/30 17:31
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