日期:2014-11-29 19:40  点击:300

王菲谢霆锋被曝已复合 赵薇或系促成者


谢霆锋和王菲11年前有过一段恋情,金童玉女的组合在当时造成不少轰动,却分手收场,各自成家立业。两人分手11年后,像小说情节般又重回彼此的怀 抱。据国内媒体报道,9月15日,有媒体目击谢霆锋与王菲同乘一车来到王菲位于北京亮马桥附近的新公寓共度4日。昨日,王菲经纪人陈家瑛在接受香港媒体采 访时,终于证实王菲、谢霆锋再续前缘,陈家瑛表示:“我很为她开心,觉得大家都单身多年,看开点啦,我没有不开心。”


Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse in love again after 11 years

Pop diva Faye Wong, 45, and actor Nicholas Tse , 34, are back together 11 years and two marriages later.
The story was broken by Sohu website, which published Fengxing studio's photos of what it said was the couple's four-day rendezvous in the singer's apartment in the Chaoyang district in Beijing.

Wong and Tse had openly dated in 2000 and were said to have broken up just two years later following allegations at Tse had been cheating on her with actress Cecilia Cheung. Tse and Cheung tied the knot in 2006 in the Philippines and have two sons, Lucas and Quintus together. They split in 2011 and Cheung now resides in Singapore.

Wong married actor Li Yapeng in 2005 and they divorced last year.

09/30 07:31
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