金鸡百花电影节在兰闭幕 黄晓明章子怡获封帝后
日期:2014-11-29 19:43  点击:280

9月27日,第23届金鸡百花电影节在兰州闭幕,黄晓明和赵薇获封最佳男主角和最佳导演。[Photo: CFP]

 “兰州开百 花,黄河唱金鸡”。为期四天的第23届金鸡百花电影节于27日晚在甘肃兰州正式闭幕。第32届大众电影百花奖获奖名单也于当晚揭晓:章子怡毫无悬念成功摘 得影后桂冠,而影帝奖杯则由黄晓明捧走,赵薇首次导演的《致我们终将逝去的青春》获得本届百花奖最佳导演奖。

由香港导演王家卫执导的功夫电影《一代宗师》成功获得最佳影片奖,章子怡凭借在该片中饰演的“宫二”一角第11次获封最佳女主角。她说:“虽然之前 也获得了很多奖杯,但这一个却是意义不同的,因为它是由大众评选的,我很珍惜,谢谢你们。而且我要说王家卫导演,无论你得不得奖,你都是我们心中永远的最 佳导演。”电影《中国合伙人》获得本届百花奖的优秀故事片奖,黄晓明、佟大为分别凭借该片获最佳男主角、最佳男配角。

The 23rd Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival Concludes

Chinese actress Zhao Wei has earned herself yet another award, but this time not for her acting.
She was given the award for best director at the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, for her 2013 box office hit "So Young."
Actor Huang Xiaoming won the Best Actor for his performance in "American Dreams in China."
Another big name in the festival is Zhang Ziyi, who was given the Best Actress for her leading role in the movie, "The Grand Master."
The film itself also won the Best Film Award.
This year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, the 23rd of its kind, concluded this weekend in the city of Lanzhou.


09/30 03:21
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