《捉鬼敢死队3》邀《伴娘》导演 女性主演
日期:2014-11-29 19:45  点击:360

'Ghostbusters' to be remade with hilarious women     

A remake of the classic film "Ghostbusters" is to go ahead in America, but this time with a twist.
Who you gonna call? Well apparently hilarious women!
"Bridesmades" filmmaker Paul Feig said he is working on a new Ghostbusters movie with a funny female cast for Sony Pictures, he is also co-writing the film.
Supernatural comedy "Ghostbusters" directed by Ivan Reitman and known for the tagline theme song "Who you gonna call?" was first released in 1984 and became a cult movie classic.
The film follows a team of oddball scientists, who invent a device to catch ghosts around New York City. When Manhattan becomes infested, the Ghostbusters are called to save the city from demons.
So far casting for the new movie or a release date has not been /confirm/ied. 

据国外媒体报道,为了给《捉鬼敢死队3》(Ghostbusters 3)找一位合适的导演,索尼可是费了好大一番功夫。如今终于有一位合适的导演人选浮出水面,有消息称《伴娘》导演保罗-费格(Pau lFeig)是最有希望执导这部影片的人选。

费格曾执导过《伴娘》、《辣手警花》(The Heat)这两部卖座电影,有消息人士透露,他对《捉鬼敢死队3》项目也颇有兴趣。据称双方在进行正式接洽之前尚有不少问题需要敲定,但费格目前已经是索尼的头号人选了。

有意思的是,费格拍的影视作品,不管是《伴娘》、《辣手警花》等卖座电影,还是《单身毒妈》(Weeds)、《护士当家》(Nurse Jackie)这样的美剧,竟然大部分都是由女性角色担任主角的。而消息人士透露,费格希望能重启《捉鬼敢死队》,而不是拍一部续集,而且他希望由女演员 来担任主角。

《捉鬼敢死队》系列无疑是好莱坞最受欢迎的喜剧电影之一,系列前两作分别在1984年和1989年上映,时隔多年之后索尼不久前宣布将拍摄《捉鬼敢 死队3》。最初索尼找来了前两作的导演伊万-雷特曼(Ivan Reitman),可惜他在今年3月宣布退出项目,之后索尼找到现在都没有合适的人选。


09/29 23:28
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