How can I get a discount when booking tour packages from you?
日期:2013-12-08 21:38  点击:584
Generally, we could not provide any discount unless you get some privilege from TCT membership system. That is to say, if you would like to get a discount from us, we recommend you to join in TCT membership.
On one hand, our quotation is based on the size of the group, which can be divided into four categories as: 1 person, 2-5 persons, 6-9 persons, 10 or over 10 persons, the more people in your group, the more cheaper quotations you can have.
On the other hand, when you are a member of us, we can provide a 10% discount on each tour including the China tours and the single city tours. While other services including airport/railway station-hotel transfer service and hotel booking service can not get any discount.
As to the children fares, we will charge according to the ages of children. Generally speaking, children who are 12 or above will be charges as an adult’s price while those who under 12 will be charges in tow cataloguist which are Children between two to five and Children between six to eleven. Please consult your travel advisor about the details.


02/21 18:00
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