云南景谷地震致7伤 7 injured in Yunnan quake
日期:2014-12-06 22:54  点击:330


6日,云南省景谷傣族彝族自治县发生5.8级 地震。截至9时3分,地震造成7人受轻伤,其中:永平镇3人、益智乡4人;民房、交通、农田水利、电力、通讯、教育、卫生、厂矿企业不同程度受损,12户 民房倒塌,其中:永平镇2户、益智乡8户、碧安乡2户,部分民房墙体开裂,受损较为严重;国道、省道及县乡公路等重点交通道路出现陡坡滚石、路基塌方、桥 梁受损,部分村组道路损毁较为严重;市政道路、排污、排水、灯光等基础设施不同程度损毁,群众生产生活秩序产生重大影响。强余震灾害造成的具体受灾情况正 在进一步调查了解中。

云南省委书记李纪恒对普洱市景谷县5.8级地 震作出批示,要求省政府和普洱市、景谷县党委政府要立即组织力量尽快核查灾情,全力开展抢险救援,全力医治受伤群众,妥善转移和安置受灾群众。省政府工作 组要赶赴一线指导抗震救灾工作。省地震、气象、国土、安监、水利等部门要密切监测灾情发展、气候变化、排查地质和水利基础设施安全隐患,及时预报预警,排 危除险,切实防范次生灾害。要做好宣传工作,确保社会秩序稳定。

地震发生后,景谷县委、县政府立即启动地震应 急预案,安排由县级领导带队率领工作组赶赴永平镇、威远镇、益智乡、碧安乡开展灾情核查和抗震救灾工作。派出县级医疗队伍赶赴永平镇和益智乡救治受伤人 员,对受伤7名群众进行及时医疗救治。县民政、水务、国土等部门已派出工作组赶赴乡(镇)排查灾害,对水库、河流、山体、坝区等进行勘查,积极排查隐患。 加强地震监测预报,最大限度防范次生灾害发生。

The number of injured people in the 5.8-magnitude earthquake that struck southwest China's Yunnan Province early Saturday morning has risen to seven as of 9 a.m., local authorities /confirm/ied.

Their injuries were described as minor, according to the press office of Jinggu county, Pu'er City.

The tremor that jolted Jinggu County at 2:43 a.m. also toppled down 12 houses, cutting roads and damaging other public facilities.

Zhang Jianguo, of Yunnan Disaster Prevention Research Institute, believed the quake a strong aftershock of an earlier one on Oct. 7 that killed one person and injured more than 300. Epicenters of the two quakes were 10 kilometers apart.

"After the previous quake, people at the zone were evacuated," he said, adding that the aftershock would not result in heavy casualties.

The quake hit at a depth of 9 kilometers, according to China Earthquake Networks Center.

Xinhua reporters felt strong shake on the 12th floor of a hotel in Jianggu. The tremor lasted for less than one minute. But it didn't cause apparent panic among the population.



03/04 21:32
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