智取威虎山 zhì qǔ wēi hǔ shān 导演: 徐克 东北民主联军203小分队在首长少剑波的带领下,奉上级命令进入匪患猖獗的林海雪原保护百姓安全。为彻底瓦解土匪势力,杨子荣执意请求乔装潜入匪窝 “威虎山”。历经了重重考验的杨子荣因献宝有功,被匪首座山雕封为“威虎山老九”。杨子荣一面与八大金刚周旋,一面涉险为山下战友传出情报,而山寨中的一 名神秘女子却屡屡将他陷于生死绝境。被203小分队生擒的土匪联络副官栾平趁乱逃脱,竟出现在威虎寨中与杨子荣当面对质……座山雕寿辰“百鸡宴”上,杨子 荣与203小分队的战友们迎来了剿匪收网的最佳时机,一场鏖战在所难免…… |
The Taking Of Tiger Mountain Adapted from the well-known Chinese novel "Tracks in the Snowy Forest" with the plot set in Northeastern China, the film is a battle of wits between a small military unit and the ruthless heavy-armed bandits during the civil war era of 1940s. It revolves a soldier who went undercover and led the successful takedown of a gang of bandits. "Tracks in the Snowy Forest" is a popular novel written by Qu Bo. The story was previously adapted for the big screen in 1970, but has also been portrayed in Chinese opera, television series and radio shows. |
智取威虎山 The Taking Of Tiger Mountain
日期:2014-12-07 20:30 点击:1272
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