老男孩 Old Boys
日期:2014-12-17 20:32  点击:636
China's Internet pop sensation the Chopsticks Brothers, whose viral hit Little Apple(小苹果xiǎo píng guǒ)  has been viewed more than 1 billion times on China's popular video websites, won the International Song Award at the 2014 American Music Awards on last Sunday. Old Boys is another song sung by the pop duo.

lǎo nán hái
Old Boys
zuò cí :wáng tài lì
Lyricist: Wang Taili
zuò qǔ :dà qiáo zhuó mí 
Composer: Takuya Ohashi 
yǎnchàng: kuài zǐ xiōng dì
演唱: 筷子兄弟
Singer: Chopstick Brothers

nà shì wǒ rì yè sī niàn shēn shēn ài zhe de rén ā 
I am deep in love with her .Thinking of her day and night.
dào dǐ wǒ gāi rú hé biǎo dá
But how can I express myself
tā huì jiē shòu wǒ ma
And will she accept me
yě xǔ yǒng yuǎn bú huì gēn tā shuō chū nà jù huà
Maybe I' ll never expose my heart to her
zhù dìng wǒ yào làng jì tiān yá
For I am always wondering about alone and homeless
zěn me néng yǒu qiān guà
How can I be on tenterhooks
mèng xiǎng yáo bú kě jí
Dreams are but dreams
shì bú shì yīng gāi fàng qì
Maybe I should give up
huā kāi huā luò yòu shì yī jì
Flowers bloom and fade again and again
chūn tiān ā nǐ zài nǎ lǐ
But wher is the spring for me
qīng chūn rú tóng bēn liú de jiāng hé
Youth like a swift current
yī qù bú huí lái bú jí dào bié
Rushing by without saying goodbye
zhī shèng xià má mù de wǒ  méi yǒu le dāng nián de rè xuè
只剩下麻木的我  没有了当年的热血
Leaving me behind
Numb cold spent
kàn nà mǎn tiān piāo líng de huā duǒ
A beautiful flower
zài zuì měi lì de shí kè diāo xiè
Faded at prime time in spring
yǒu shuí huì jì dé zhè shì jiè tā céng jīng lái guò
But who cares if it ever lived in this world
zhuǎn yǎn guò qù  duō nián shí jiān
转眼过去 多年时间
Many years have elapsed in a brink of the eye
duō shǎo lí hé bēi huān
Witnessing unios and departures joys and sorrows
céng jīng zhì zài sì fāng shǎo nián
曾经志在四方少年  羡慕南飞的雁
The wondering boy envies the wild goose
That files to his home in the south before winter comes
gè zì bēn qián chéng de shēn yǐng
People go in different directions
cōng cōng jiàn háng jiàn yuǎn
Away and gone
wèi lái zài nǎ lǐ píng fán
But wher is my future .Just simple ordinary day for me
ā  shuí gěi wǒ dá àn
啊 谁给我答案
Oh who can give me the answer
nà shì péi bàn wǒ de rén nǎ   nǐ men rú jīn zài hé fāng
那是陪伴我的人哪  你们如今在何方
wher are you
The friends who used to sit by my side
wǒ céng jīng ài guò de rén ā   xiàn zài shì shí me mó yàng
我曾经爱过的人啊  现在是什么模样
Are you still beautiful and lovely
As the girl in my memory
dāng chū de yuàn wàng shí xiàn le ma
Have you realized your dreams
shì dào rú jīn zhī hǎo jì diàn ma
Maybe we’ll let bygones be bygones
rèn suì yuè fēng gàn lǐ xiǎng zài yě  zhǎo bú huí zhēn de wǒ
任岁月风干理想再也 找不回真的我
However hard I may try
I cannot find my true self
tái tóu yǎng wàng zhè xīng hé
A million stars are twinkling in the sky
nà shí hòu péi bàn wǒ de nà kē
And I try to find out the one that used to stay by me
zhè lǐ de gù shì
Oh my dear companion of yesterday
nǐ shì fǒu hái jì dé
Do you still remember the time we shared together
shēng huó xiàng yī bǎ wú qíng kè dāo
Life like a sculptor' s graver cold and ruthless
gǎi biàn wǒ men de mó yàng
Has changed our shape
wèi céng zhàn fàng jiù yào kū wěi ma
Will the flower wither before it never has a chance to bloom

wǒ yǒu guò mèng xiǎng
I had a dream

jì dé hé shí
Remember when

wǒ men cóng lái dōu bú bǐ cǐ xū yào
we never needed each other

wǒ men shì zuì hǎo de péng yǒu ,qīn rú xiōng mèi
The best of friends like Sister and Brother

wǒ men dōu míng le wǒ men cóng bú gū dān
We understood, we'd never be Alone

nà yàng de rì zǐ què guò qù le ,wǒ xiǎng dé dào gèng duō de gǎn qíng
Those days are gone, Now I want so much

yè ,nà me zhǎng , wǒ duō xū yào dé dào nǐ de ài fǔ
夜,那么长, 我多需要得到你的爱抚
The night is long and I need your touch

bú zhī dào rú hé biǎo dá
Don't know what to say

wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu guò zhè yàng de gǎn shòu
Never meant to feel this way

jīn wǎn bú xiǎng gū dú yī rén
Don't want to be Alone tonight

wǒ yào zěn me zuò cái néng bǎ nǐ biàn chéng wǒ de rén
What can I do to make you mine

zhè yī cì zǒu dé zhè me yuǎn ài dé zhè me shēn
Falling so hard so fast this time

wǒ céng shuō guò shí me ,nǐ yòu zuò le shí me ?
What did I say, what did you do?

wǒ shì zěn yàng ài shàng nǐ de
How did I fall in love with you?

wǒ yǐ tīng dào nǐ de shēng yīn jiù kāi shǐ chàn dǒu
I hear your voice And I start to tremble

fǎng fó bǎ wǒ dài rù hái tí shí dài
Brings back the child that, I resemble
wǒ bú néng wěi zhuāng ,jiù hǎo xiàng wǒ men hái shì péng yǒu
I cannot pretend, that we can still be friends
jīn wǎn bú xiǎng gū dú yī rén
Don't want to be Alone tonight

wǒ yào zěn me zuò cái néng bǎ nǐ biàn chéng wǒ de rén
What can I do to make you mine
zhè yī cì zǒu dé zhè me yuǎn ài dé zhè me shēn
Falling so hard so fast this time
wǒ céng shuō guò shí me ,nǐ yòu zuò le shí me
What did I say, what did you do?
wǒ shì zěn yàng ài shàng nǐ de
How did I fall in love with you?
ò ,wǒ xiǎng shuō chū yī qiē
Oh I want to say this right

jiù zài jīn wǎn
And it has to be tonight

zhī shì xiǎng ràng nǐ zhī dào
Just need you to know, oh yeah

wǒ bú xiǎng guò zhè yàng de shēng huó
 I don't want to live this life

wǒ bú xiǎng hé nǐ gào bié
I don't want to say goodbye

wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ gòng dù yú shēng
With you I wanna spend, the rest of my life

wǒ yào zěn me zuò cái néng bǎ nǐ biàn chéng wǒ de rén
What can I do to make you mine

zhè yī cì zǒu dé zhè me yuǎn ài dé zhè me shēn
Falling so hard so fast this time
wǒ céng shuō guò shí me ,nǐ yòu zuò le shí me
What did I say, what did you do?

wǒ shì zěn yàng ài shàng nǐ de
How did I fall in love with you?

wǒ yào zěn me zuò cái néng bǎ nǐ biàn chéng wǒ de rén
What can I do to make you mine

zhè yī cì zǒu dé zhè me yuǎn ài dé zhè me shēn
Falling so hard so fast this time

suǒ yǒu de shì qíng dōu gǎi biàn le ,zhī shì wǒ men cóng méi zài yì
Everything's changed, we never knew

wǒ shì zěn yàng ài shàng nǐ de
How did I fall in love with you?


09/28 19:25
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