Chinese Conversation 3
日期:2015-01-01 21:05  点击:467

A: 需要帮忙吗?
B: 好啊。往锅里放点儿油。

B: I can see the cooking oil, you2, is nice and hot, let’s add the veggies.
Y: Run that past me again B, this time in Chinese, you can say 把菜倒进去
B: ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4.
Y: cai4 means vegetables,
B: cai4,
Y: dao4 jin4 qu4 means to put into the wok,
B: dao4 jin4 qu4.
Y: ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4.
B: ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4. Add the veggies.


12/12 19:32
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