Let’s continue our story of 窗外 (Outside of the Window) in Elementary Level Chinese. See whether Zhen Zhen and Xiao Mei got along in the same ward.
窗外 [2]
珍珍的床靠门, 看不见窗外. 时间长了, 她忍不住问小梅,”窗外的景色好看吗?”
小梅笑着回答, “好看! 外面有一个大大的池塘, 和一个美丽的公园。”
“是吗?!” 珍珍很喜欢池塘和公园. 她接着问,”池塘里有鸭子吗?”
小梅仔细看了看说, “有啊, 有好多鸭子呢, 它们一个跟着一个, 正往池塘中心游呢!”
“太棒了, 我好喜欢鸭子啊!”
“哎呀, 好象又飞来一只大鸟也!”
“大鸟? 真的吗? 长什么样?” 珍珍着急地问.
“它有个长长的脖子, 羽毛很白, 头顶还有个红色的帽子 …… 没错, 那是一只天鹅!”
“什么? 天鹅!! 那该有多美啊!” 这时珍珍的心里, 也好象飞进了一只天鹅.
[Vocabulary Table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
忍不住 rěn bu zhù cannot help; unable to bear
景色 jǐng sè scenery; view
池塘 chí táng pond
鸭子 鴨子 yā zi duck
中心 zhōng xīn center
脖子 bó zi neck
帽子 mào zi hat
chuāng wài [2]
zhēn zhēn de chuáng kào mén, kànbujiàn chuāng wài. shíjiān cháng le, tā rěnbuzhù wèn xiǎo méi,” chuāng wài de jǐngsè hǎokàn ma?”
xiǎo méi xiào zhe huídá, ” hǎokàn! wàimiàn yǒu yī gè dàdà de chítáng, hé yī gè měilì de gōngyuán。”
” shì ma?!” zhēn zhēn hěn xǐhuan chítáng hé gōngyuán. tā jiēzhe wèn,” chítáng lǐ yǒu yāzi ma?”
xiǎo méi zǐxì kàn le kàn shuō, ” yǒu ā, yǒu hǎoduō yāzi ne, tāmen yī gè gēnzhe yī gè, zhèng wǎng chítáng zhōngxīn yóu ne!”
” tài bàng le, wǒ hǎo xǐhuan yāzi ā!”
” āiyā, hǎoxiàng yòu fēi lái yī zhǐ dà niǎo yě!”
” dà niǎo? zhēn de ma? cháng shénmeyàng?” zhēn zhēn zháojí dì wèn.
” tā yǒu gè cháng cháng de bózi, yǔmáo hěn bái, tóudǐng háiyǒu gè hóngsè de màozi …… méicuò, nàshi yī zhǐ tiān’é!”
” shénme? tiān’é!! nà gāi yǒu duō měi ā!” zhèshí zhēn zhēn de xīnli, yě hǎoxiàng fēi jìn le yī zhǐ tiān’é.
[Traditional Chinese]
窗外 [2]
珍珍的床靠門, 看不見窗外. 時間長了, 她忍不住問小梅,”窗外的景色好看嗎?”
小梅笑著回答, “好看! 外面有一個大大的池塘, 和一個美麗的公園。”
“是嗎?!” 珍珍很喜歡池塘和公園. 她接著問,”池塘裏有鴨子嗎?”
小梅仔細看了看說, “有啊, 有好多鴨子呢, 它們一個跟著一個, 正往池塘中心遊呢!”
“太棒了, 我好喜歡鴨子啊!”
“哎呀, 好象又飛來一只大鳥也!”
“大鳥? 真的嗎? 長什麼樣?” 珍珍著急地問.
“它有個長長的脖子, 羽毛很白, 頭頂還有個紅色的帽子 …… 沒錯, 那是一只天鵝!”
“什麼? 天鵝!! 那該有多美啊!” 這時珍珍的心裏, 也好象飛進了一只天鵝.
[English Translation]
Outside of the Window [2]
Zhen Zhen’s bed is close to the door. She could not see anything outside of the window from her bed. As time passed by, she couldn’t help but asked, “Is it a good view outside of the window?”
Xiao Mei smiled and answered, “Yes, it is! There is a really big pond and a beautiful park out there.”
“Is it?!” Zhen Zhen loved ponds and parks very much. She went on to ask, “Are there any ducks in the pond?”
Xiao Mei had a closer look, “Yes, as a matter of fact, there are quite a few. They are swimming to the center of the pond one after another!”
“Awesome! They are so adorable!”
“Alas! It looks like a big bird just landed!”
“A big bird? Are you serious? What does it look like?” Zhen Zhen asked anxiously.
“It has a long neck, white feathers, and a red hat on the top of its head … I bet its a swan!”
“What? A swan!! How beautiful!” At that moment of time, it felt like a swan just flew into Zhen Zhen’s heart.
[To be continued ...]
窗外 [2]
珍珍的床靠门, 看不见窗外. 时间长了, 她忍不住问小梅,”窗外的景色好看吗?”
小梅笑着回答, “好看! 外面有一个大大的池塘, 和一个美丽的公园。”
“是吗?!” 珍珍很喜欢池塘和公园. 她接着问,”池塘里有鸭子吗?”
小梅仔细看了看说, “有啊, 有好多鸭子呢, 它们一个跟着一个, 正往池塘中心游呢!”
“太棒了, 我好喜欢鸭子啊!”
“哎呀, 好象又飞来一只大鸟也!”
“大鸟? 真的吗? 长什么样?” 珍珍着急地问.
“它有个长长的脖子, 羽毛很白, 头顶还有个红色的帽子 …… 没错, 那是一只天鹅!”
“什么? 天鹅!! 那该有多美啊!” 这时珍珍的心里, 也好象飞进了一只天鹅.
[Vocabulary Table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
忍不住 rěn bu zhù cannot help; unable to bear
景色 jǐng sè scenery; view
池塘 chí táng pond
鸭子 鴨子 yā zi duck
中心 zhōng xīn center
脖子 bó zi neck
帽子 mào zi hat
chuāng wài [2]
zhēn zhēn de chuáng kào mén, kànbujiàn chuāng wài. shíjiān cháng le, tā rěnbuzhù wèn xiǎo méi,” chuāng wài de jǐngsè hǎokàn ma?”
xiǎo méi xiào zhe huídá, ” hǎokàn! wàimiàn yǒu yī gè dàdà de chítáng, hé yī gè měilì de gōngyuán。”
” shì ma?!” zhēn zhēn hěn xǐhuan chítáng hé gōngyuán. tā jiēzhe wèn,” chítáng lǐ yǒu yāzi ma?”
xiǎo méi zǐxì kàn le kàn shuō, ” yǒu ā, yǒu hǎoduō yāzi ne, tāmen yī gè gēnzhe yī gè, zhèng wǎng chítáng zhōngxīn yóu ne!”
” tài bàng le, wǒ hǎo xǐhuan yāzi ā!”
” āiyā, hǎoxiàng yòu fēi lái yī zhǐ dà niǎo yě!”
” dà niǎo? zhēn de ma? cháng shénmeyàng?” zhēn zhēn zháojí dì wèn.
” tā yǒu gè cháng cháng de bózi, yǔmáo hěn bái, tóudǐng háiyǒu gè hóngsè de màozi …… méicuò, nàshi yī zhǐ tiān’é!”
” shénme? tiān’é!! nà gāi yǒu duō měi ā!” zhèshí zhēn zhēn de xīnli, yě hǎoxiàng fēi jìn le yī zhǐ tiān’é.
[Traditional Chinese]
窗外 [2]
珍珍的床靠門, 看不見窗外. 時間長了, 她忍不住問小梅,”窗外的景色好看嗎?”
小梅笑著回答, “好看! 外面有一個大大的池塘, 和一個美麗的公園。”
“是嗎?!” 珍珍很喜歡池塘和公園. 她接著問,”池塘裏有鴨子嗎?”
小梅仔細看了看說, “有啊, 有好多鴨子呢, 它們一個跟著一個, 正往池塘中心遊呢!”
“太棒了, 我好喜歡鴨子啊!”
“哎呀, 好象又飛來一只大鳥也!”
“大鳥? 真的嗎? 長什麼樣?” 珍珍著急地問.
“它有個長長的脖子, 羽毛很白, 頭頂還有個紅色的帽子 …… 沒錯, 那是一只天鵝!”
“什麼? 天鵝!! 那該有多美啊!” 這時珍珍的心裏, 也好象飛進了一只天鵝.
[English Translation]
Outside of the Window [2]
Zhen Zhen’s bed is close to the door. She could not see anything outside of the window from her bed. As time passed by, she couldn’t help but asked, “Is it a good view outside of the window?”
Xiao Mei smiled and answered, “Yes, it is! There is a really big pond and a beautiful park out there.”
“Is it?!” Zhen Zhen loved ponds and parks very much. She went on to ask, “Are there any ducks in the pond?”
Xiao Mei had a closer look, “Yes, as a matter of fact, there are quite a few. They are swimming to the center of the pond one after another!”
“Awesome! They are so adorable!”
“Alas! It looks like a big bird just landed!”
“A big bird? Are you serious? What does it look like?” Zhen Zhen asked anxiously.
“It has a long neck, white feathers, and a red hat on the top of its head … I bet its a swan!”
“What? A swan!! How beautiful!” At that moment of time, it felt like a swan just flew into Zhen Zhen’s heart.
[To be continued ...]