Lesson 111 - Dating (3)
日期:2015-02-02 20:59  点击:344

YJ:  Welcome to Chinese Studio – Wo shi Yajie.
James: And wo shi James.  I hope our lessons have been useful this week Yajie… we are helping foreigners with phrases related to meeting new people.
YJ:  Well, we have some more to learn today.  Let’s check Key Words of the Day.

Key Words of the Day 
We should meet sometime. 有空儿见个面吧。(you3kongr4 jian4 ge4 mian4 ba.) Would you like to go for dinner sometime?有空儿一起吃饭吧。(you3kongr4 yi4qi3 chi1 dun4 fan4 ba4) What would you like to do in your spare time? 平时你喜欢干什么?(ping2shi2 ni3 xi3huan gan4 shen2me?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

James: Yajie, the Chinese girl I met the other day, well she is very nice. And I want to meet her again. How do you say that in Chinese?
YJ: Well, you may say “有空儿见个面吧。(you3kongr4 jian4 ge4 mian4 ba.)” We should meet sometime.
James: 有空儿见个面吧。(you3kongr4 jian4 ge4 mian4 ba.)
YJ: 有空儿(you3kongr4), to be free, or to have some time.
James: 有空儿(you3kongr4)
YJ: 见个面(jian4 ge4 mian4), to have a meet.
James: 见个面(jian4 ge4 mian4)
YJ: 吧(ba), is often used at the end of a sentence to indicate suggestion.
James: 吧(ba)
YJ: 有空儿见个面吧。(you3kongr4 jian4 ge4 mian4 ba.) We should meet sometime.
James: 有空儿见个面吧。(you3kongr4 jian4 ge4 mian4 ba.)


James: YJ, I would like to invite her to dinner sometime, how do I say that in Chinese?
YJ: Well, you can say “有空儿一起吃顿饭吧?(you3kongr4 yi4qi3 chi1 dun4 fan4 ba? )” Would you like to go for dinner sometime?
James: 有空儿一起吃饭吧?(you3kongr4 yi4qi3 chi1 dun4 fan4 ba ?)
YJ: 有空儿(you3kongr4), as we just mentioned, it means to be free, or to have some time.
James: 有空儿(you3kongr4).
YJ: 一起 (yi4qi3) means together.
James: 一起 (yi4qi3).
YJ: 吃饭 (chi1 dun4 fan4), to have a meal.
James: 吃饭 (chi1 dun4 fan4)
YJ: 有空儿一起吃饭吧?(you3kongr4 yi4qi3 chi1 fan4ba?) Would you like to go for dinner sometime?
James: 有空儿一起吃饭吧?(you3kongr4 yi4qi3 chi1 dun4 fan4ba?)


YJ: What do you like to do in your spare time? 平时你喜欢干什么?(Ye4yu2 shi2jian1 ni3 xi3huan gan4 shen2me?)
James: 平时你喜欢干什么?(Ye4yu2 shi2jian1 ni3 xi3huan gan4 shen2me?)
YJ: 平时 ping2 shi2,in your spare time.
James: 平时(ping2 shi2) .
YJ: 你 (ni3), you.
James: 你 (ni3)
YJ: 喜欢 (xi3huan), like.
James: 喜欢 (xi3huan)
YJ: 干 (gan4), to do.
James: 干 (gan4)
YJ: 什么 (shen2me), what.
James: 什么 (shen2me)
YJ: 平时你喜欢干什么?(ping2shi2 ni3 xi3huan gan4 shen2me?)
James: 平时你喜欢干什么?(ping2 shi2 ni3 xi3huan gan4 shen2me?) What do you like to do in your spare time?


Key Words Reminder
We should meet sometime. 有空儿见个面吧。(you3kongr4 jian4 ge4 mian4 ba.) Would you like to go for dinner sometime?有空儿一起吃饭吧。(you3kongr4 yi4qi3 chi1 dun4 fan4 ba4) What would you like to do in your spare time? 平时你喜欢干什么?(ping2shi2 ni3 xi3huan gan4 shen2me?)


01/10 01:32
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