Lesson 116 - Revision of Swimming
日期:2015-02-02 21:01  点击:251

Yajie:  Welcome to Chinese Studio on CRI – Daijia hao, wo shi Yajie.
Chris:  Hi, dajiahao. Wo shi Chris.
Yajie: As always, today we are going to have a review of what we have learned during the week.
Chris: Ok. Now let’s go!

Sentences in the Week
游泳池,swimming pool.  The water is too cold.水太凉了(shui3 tai4 liang2 le)。Do you know how to swim? 你会游泳吗?(ni3 hui4 you2yong3 ma?)  I like playing beach volleyball. 我喜欢打沙滩排球。(wo3 xi3huan da3 sha1 tan1 pai2qiu2)All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Yajie: When we go to the swimming pool, that’s 游泳池(you2yong3 chi2) in Chinese.  Sometimes the water is too cold. So,Chris, do you know how to say that in Chinese?
Chris: Let me see, is it水太凉了(shui3 tai4 liang2 le)?
Yajie: Good. 水太凉了(shui3 tai4 liang2 le). 水 (shui3) is water.
Chris: 水 (shui3).
Yajie: 太 (tai4), too or very.
Chris: 太 (tai4)
Yajie: 凉 (liang2), here means cold .
Chris: 凉 (liang2)
Yajie: 水太凉了(shui3 tai4 liang2 le), the water is too cold
Chris: 水太凉了(shui3 tai4 liang2 le)


Yajie: Chris, do you know how to swim? 你会游泳吗?(ni3 hui4 you2yong3 ma?)
Chris: Yes, I do.我会游泳。
Yajie: 你(ni3), you.
Chris: 你(ni3)
Yajie: 会 (hui4), can or be able to.
Chris: 会 (hui4
Yajie: 游泳(you2yong3), to swim.
Chris: 游泳(you2yong3)
Yajie: 你会游泳吗?(ni3 hui4 you2yong3 ma?)
Chris: 你会游泳吗?(ni3 hui4 you2yong3 ma?) Do you know how to swim?
Yajie: This week we taught our listeners three swimming styles, but of course only the names of them. Let’s review them now. First is backstroke
Chris: Backstroke would be 仰泳(yang3gyong3)
Yajie: Yes, 仰泳(yang3gyong3) , second, breaststroke is 蛙泳(wa1yong3)
Chris:  蛙泳(wa1yong3)
Yajie: and Chris, do you still remember free style?
Chris: Yes, I do… 自由泳,zi4 you2 yong3.
Yajie: Very good!
Chris: Yajie, after swimming for such a long time, I feel a little bit tired, so I want to lay by the poolside. How do I say poolside to my Chinese friends?
Yajie: It’s 游泳池边(you2yong3 chi2 bian1)
Chris: 游泳池边(you2yong3 chi2 bian1)
Yajie: Yes, we learned swimming pool yesterday, which is游泳池(you2yong3 chi2),
Chris: 游泳池(you2yong3 chi2)
Yajie: 边(bian1)means the margin of the pool.
Chris:  边(bian1).
Yajie: 游泳池边(you2yong3 chi2 bian1), swimming poolside.
Chris: 游泳池边(you2yong3 chi2 bian1). Yajie, can we also omit the word swimming like in English, Just say poolside for short?
Yajie: Of course. You can say 池边 for short.
Chris: 池边(chi2 bian1)


Chris: Yajie, I like playing beach volleyball. Could you please repeat that in Chinese?
Yajie: Sure. No problem. It’s我喜欢打沙滩排球。(wo3 xi3huan da3 sha1 tan1 pai2qiu2)
Chris: 我喜欢打沙滩排球。(wo3 xi3huan da3 sha1 tan1 pai2qiu2)
YJ: 喜欢(xi3huan), means like to
Chris: 喜欢 (xi3huan)
YJ: 打(da3)means to play
Chris: 打(da3)
YJ: Beach volleyball is 沙滩排球(sha1 tan1 pai2 qiu2).
Chris: 沙滩排球(sha1 tan1 pai2 qiu2).
YJ: 我喜欢打沙滩排球。(wo3 xi3huan da3 sha1 tan1 pai2qiu2)
Chris: 我喜欢打沙滩排球。(wo3 xi3huan da3 sha1 tan1 pai2qiu2)I like playing beach volleyball.


03/07 10:22
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