Lesson 132 - Revision of Shopping at the Supermarket
日期:2015-02-02 21:16  点击:279

Cam: Hi, dajia hao. Welcome to Chinese Studio. wo shi Cam.
YJ:  And wo shi Yajie. Cam, this week we learned a few phrases about shopping at the supermarket.
Cam: After that I find it easier to get what I need in the supermarket. But still I need to get a review. Shall we begin now?
YJ: No problem. First let’s listen to sentences in the week:

Sentences in the Week
I’m looking for the seafood.  我想买海产品。(wo3 xiang3 mai3 hai3 chan3pin3.) wher is the imported foods aisle? 进口货区在哪儿?(jin4kou3 huo4 qu3 zai4 nar3?) How much is the shampoo? 洗发水多少钱?(xi3fa4shui3 duo1shao qian2?) I need a box of Kleenex (tissue paper) 我要一盒面巾纸. (wo3 yao4 yi4 he2 mian4jin1zhi3) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Yajie: Before going to the sentences I think we’d better review the useful words we referred to this week.
Cam: Right. Eggs in Chinese is鸡蛋(ji1dan4), right?
YJ: Yes. 鸡蛋(ji1dan4), eggs; and鸡肉(ji1rou4) is chicken.
Cam: 鸡肉(ji1rou4). How about orange? I forgot how to say that in Chinese.
YJ: It’s桔子(ju2zi).
Cam: 桔子(ju2zi). Yajie, cheese is what I need every day, how do the Chinese say that?
YJ: They say 奶酪(nai3lao4), the third tone, and the fourth tone.
Cam: Besides those things I also need to buy, such as toothbrush. Is it牙刷(ya2shua1)?
YJ: Yes. 牙刷 (ya2shua1) Toothbrush. And牙膏(ya2gao1) is toothpaste.
Cam: 牙膏(ya2gao1), toothpaste.


Cam: I’m looking for the seafood.  What’s Chinese for that? Could you please tell me?
YJ: Of course. You can say 我想买海产品。(wo3 xiang3 mai3 hai3 chan3pin3.)
Cam: 我想买海产品。(wo3 xiang3 mai3 hai3 chan3pin3.)
YJ: Again, 我 (wo3), I.
Cam: 我 (wo3)
YJ: 想 (xiang3), want to.
Cam: 想 (xiang3)
YJ: 买 (mai3), mai, the third tone, to buy.
Cam: 买 (mai3)
YJ: 海产品(hai3 chan3pin3), seafood.
Cam: 海产品(hai3 chan3pin3)
YJ: 海 (hai3), means sea.
Cam: 海 (hai3)
YJ: 产品(chan3pin3), food or products.
Cam: 产品(chan3pin3)
YJ: 海产品(hai3 chan3pin3), seafood.
Cam: 海产品(hai3 chan3pin3).
YJ: 我想买海产品。(wo3 xiang3 mai3 hai3 chan3pin3.)
Cam: 我想买海产品。(wo3 xiang3 mai3 hai3 chan3pin3.) I’m looking for the seafood.


Cam: I guess the way of asking “How much is the shampoo?”洗发水多少钱?(xi3fa4shui3 duo1shao qian2?) Is it right?
YJ: Absolutely! 洗发水多少钱?(xi3fa4shui3 duo1shao qian2?) 洗发水(xi3fa4shui3), shampoo.
Cam: 洗发水(xi3fa4shui3).
YJ: 多少钱?(duo1shao qian2?), how much?
Cam: 多少钱?(duo1shao qian2?)
YJ: 洗发水多少钱?(xi3fa4shui3 duo1shao qian2?)
Cam: 洗发水多少钱?(xi3fa4shui3 duo1shao qian2?) How much is the shampoo? Well, yajie, how do you tissue paper in Chinese?
YJ: You can say面巾纸(mian4jin1zhi3).
Cam: 面巾纸(mian4jin1zhi3).
YJ: I need a box of Kleenex (tissue paper) 我要一盒面巾纸. (wo3 yao4 yi4 he2 mian4jin1zhi3)
Cam: 我要一盒面巾纸. (wo3 yao4 yi4 he2 mian4jin1zhi3)
YJ: 我 (wo3), I.
Cam: 我 (wo3)
YJ: 要 (yao4), to have.
Cam: 要 (yao4)
YJ: 一盒  (yi1 he2), one box.
Cam: 一盒  (yi1 he2)
YJ: 面巾纸(mian4jin1zhi3), tissue paper.
Cam: 面巾纸(mian4jin1zhi3).
YJ: 我要一盒面巾纸. (wo3 yao4 yi4 he2 mian4jin1zhi3)
Cam: 我要一盒面巾纸. (wo3 yao4 yi4 he2 mian4jin1zhi3) I need a box of Kleenex.


03/07 10:42
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