心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] 2
日期:2015-02-28 20:07  点击:302
Xiaoji wished new, fresh things to happen this year that could leave her with good memories. As she wished, her school life was getting more and more interesting.

Chinese Short Story 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level]

心锁 2


第一件新鲜事是,学校开了个心理门诊,请来一位知名医生 - 林医生。








xīn suǒ 2

guǒrán, tā de shēnghuó lǐ yǒule xīnxiān shì。

dìyī jiàn xīnxiān shì shì, xuéxiào kāi le gè xīnlǐ ménzhěn, qǐng lái yī wèi zhīmíng yīshēng - lín yīshēng。

xiǎo jí gāng jiàndào tā, jiù juéde yǎnshú, juéde tā tèbié qīnqiè。

tóngxué men gěi xīnlǐ ménzhěn qǔ míngjiào“ tánxīn mén zhēn"。

“ tánxīn mén zhēn" hěn shòuhuānyíng, yào páiduì cáinéng hé lín yīshēng shuōshàng huà ne!

dì’èr jiàn xīnxiān shì gèng ràng xiǎo jí kāixīn。

nǐ cāi dàoliǎo ba? shì chūnyóu!

quán niánjí yào qù fú yún shān dēngshān, hái yào zài Shānshàng guòyè ne!


Chinese    Trad.    Pinyin    English Definition
果然        guǒ rán    as expected
新鲜    新鮮    xīn xiān    fresh
心理        xīn lǐ    psychological
门诊    門診    mén zhěn    clinic
知名        zhī míng    well-known
谈心    談心    tán xīn    to have a heart-to-heart chat
欢迎    歡迎    huān yíng    to welcome
排队    排隊    pái duì    to line up
春游    春遊    chūn yóu    spring excursion
登山        dēng shān    to climb a mountain
过夜    過夜    guò yè    to spend the night

[Traditional Chinese]

心鎖 2



第一件新鮮事是,學校開了個心理門診,請來一位知名醫生 - 林醫生。









Lock of the Heart 2

As she wished, new things started to happen in her life.

The first was that a phycology clinic was opened in her school. They even invited a well known doctor – Doctor Lin.

As soon as Xiaoji saw her, she felt that she looked familiar and friendly.

The School kids call it “Chatting Clinic”.

“Chatting Clinic” became very popular, people needed to wait in line to chat with Dr. Lin.

The second new thing made Xiaoji even happier.

Could you guess it out? It’s the spring field excursion!

The whole grade will travel to Foyun Mountains and spend the night in the mountains!


To be continued …


10/03 08:24
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