心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] 5
日期:2015-02-28 20:09  点击:351
After Anya told the story, the girls stirred up a little discussion on the speculated truth of the tragedy. Xiaoji listened to their talk but didn’t say a word.

心锁 5











xīn suǒ 5

“ hòulái ne?" nǚshēng men jízhe wèn。

“ hòulái," ān yà jìxù shuō," hòulái, bàba zài chúfáng de dìjiào lǐ zhǎo dàoliǎo māma。 dìjiào mén cóng wàimiàn suǒ sǐ le, māma yǐjīng méiyǒu hūxī le。"

“ shì mèn sǐ de ma?" yǒurén wèn。

“ shì。"

“ hǎo kěpà! shì shéi gàn de ne?" yòu yǒurén wèn。

“ bù zhīdào。 yǒurén shuō shì fùqīn gān de, yǒurén shuō shì xiǎotōu gān de。"

“ nà jǐngchá zěnme shuō?" yǒurén wèn。

“ jǐngchá shuō shì yìwài, jiù jié’àn le。" ān yà huídá。

“ bùhuì ba! wǒ kàn, hěn xiàng shì bàba gān de。 māma bùkěnéng bǎ zìjǐ fǎnsuǒ zài lǐ miàn ā! fǎnzhèng sì suì de nǚ’ér yě zuò bùliǎo zhèng。" yǒu gè nǚshēng fābiǎo yìjiàn。

xiǎo jí rènzhēn dì tīng tāmen jiāotán, què yījùhuà yě méi shuō。


Chinese    Trad.    Pinyin    English Definition
继续    繼續    jì xù    to continue; to proceed with
厨房    廚房    chú fáng    kitchen
地窖        dì jiào    cellar; basement
呼吸        hū xī    to breathe
警察        jǐng chá    police; police officer
意外        yì wài    accident; mishap
结案    結案    jié àn    to conclude a case
发表    發表    fā biǎo    to issue
意见    意見    yì jiàn    opinion; suggestion

[Traditional Chinese]

心鎖 5














Lock of the Heart 5

“What happened after that?” One girl asked.

“Then,” Anya continued, “then father found his wife in the cellar. The cellar was locked from outside, she was already dead.”

“Did she died of no air?” Someone asked.


“That’s really awful! Who did that?” Another one asked.

“No idea. Some people said it was the father, others said it could have been a burglar.”

“What did the police say then?” Asked a girl.

“The police said it was an accident and closed the case.” Anya answered.

“No way! In my opinion, the father was very suspicious. The mother couldn’t lock herself from outside! After all, a four-year-old little girl could not have been helpful in the case.” One girl expressed her speculation.

Xiaoji listened to their discussion without saying a word.


To be continued …


10/03 02:25
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