A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 2 [Elmentary]
日期:2015-02-28 20:16  点击:342
In the previous chapter,  ”Chinese readings: A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 1[Elmentary]“, scientist 彭加木 Péng jiā mù and his team was stuck in the middle of 罗布泊 Luóbùbó due to lack of water and gas. They then sent out a message to the army for help. In their message, they asked the army to deliver some water and gas to them.

The next morning, they heard back from the army … please keep reading …

[simplified Chinese]

失踪  [2]










彭加木觉得他自己的建议是对的,”如果找到了水井,部队就不用飞机运水了,飞机运水成本太高. 找到了水井,对我们自己,对以后来罗布泊的人都有帮助。”


[vocabulary table]


Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
飞机    飛機    fei1 ji1    airplane, helicopter etc.
会    會    hui4    will
运    運    yun4    to transport
原地    原地    yuan2 di4    wher one currently stands
等候    等候    deng3 hou4    to wait; to wait for;
觉得    覺得    jue2 de5    to think; to feel
成本    成本    cheng2 ben3    costs
应该    應該    ying1 gai1    ought to; should
办法    辦法    ban4 fa3    means; way (of doing sth);
找    找    zhao3    to look for
已经    已經    yi3 jing1    already
反对    反對    fan3 dui4    to object to; to oppose
地图    地圖    di4 tu2    map
水井    水井    shui3 jing3    (water) well
因为    因為    yin1 wei4    because
指着    指著    zhi3    to point at with finger
大家    大家    da4 jia1    everyone
建议    建議    jian4 yi4    to propose; proposal
帮助    幫助    bang1 zhu4    to help


shī zōng  [2]


dì’èrtiān zǎoshang jiǔ diǎn, bùduì huíxìn shuō, fēi jīhuì yùn shuǐ guòlái, ràng dàjiā yuándì děnghòu。

Péng jiā mù kàn dào bùduì de huíxìn hòu, juéde fēijī yùn shuǐ chéngběn tài gāo, yīnggāi zìjǐ xiǎng bànfǎ zhǎo shuǐ。

” wǒmen zuótiān yǐjīng zhǎo guò le, zhèlǐ méiyǒu shuǐ ā!” yī gè duìyuán fǎnduì。

” dìtú shàng yǒu hǎo jǐge shuǐjǐng, wǒmen yīnggāi zài zhǎo zhǎo!” Péng jiā mù shuō。

lìngyī gè duìyuán yě fǎnduì,” wǒmen zuótiān wā le hǎo jǐge dìfang, méiyǒu kàn dào yǒu shuǐjǐng ā!”

” nàshi yīnwèi dìdiǎn bùduì。 nǐmen kàn, zhège dìfang yǒu yī gè shuǐjǐng。” Péng jiā mù zhǐ zhe dìtú shàng de yī gè dìdiǎn shuō。

dàjiā guò láikàn dìtú。

dìtú shàng yǒu shuǐjǐng de dìdiǎn yǒudiǎn yuǎn, yào kāichē qù。

yǒu gè duìyuán shuō,” wǒmen de qìyóu bù duō le, kāi nàme yuǎn, qìyóu yòngwán le zěnmebàn?”

Péng jiā mù juéde tā zìjǐ de jiànyì shì duì de,” rúguǒ zhǎo dàoliǎo shuǐjǐng, bùduì jiù bùyòng fēijī yùn shuǐ le, fēijī yùn shuǐ chéngběn tài gāo. zhǎo dàoliǎo shuǐjǐng, duì wǒmen zìjǐ, duì yǐhòu lái Luóbùbó de rén dōu yǒubāngzhù。”


[traditional Chinese]


失蹤 [2]










彭加木覺得他自己的建議是對的,”如果找到了水井,部隊就不用飛機運水了,飛機運水成本太高. 找到了水井,對我們自己,對以後來羅布泊的人都有幫助。”


[English translation]

Missing  2

Nine o’clock the next morning, the army replied, “Water would be delivered by air, please stay wher you are and wait.”

Upon receiving the massage from the army, Peng Jia Mu thought the cost of transporting water by air was too expensive, they should search for water by themselves.

“We have searched for water yesterday. We couldn’t find any.” One team member object.

“There are a couple water wells on the map, we should keep looking.” said Peng Jia Mu.

Another team member objected, “We dig quite a few places yesterday, there were no water wells!”

“That’s because those were not the right spots. Look at here, there is a water well here.” said Peng Jia Mu, pointing at a spot on the map.

All came closer to look at the map.

The water well spot was a bit far, driving was needed.

One team member said, “We don’t have much gas left. It’s too far. What if the gas ran out?”

Peng Jia Mu thought his own idea was right,”If the water well is found, then the army doesn’t need to send us water by air. It’s too expensive to send water by air. A discovered water well will not only benefit us, but also benefit the people that will come to Lop Nur in the future.”


To be continued …


10/02 08:42
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