A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 5 [Elmentary]
日期:2015-02-28 20:21  点击:326
In previous chapter, A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 4 [Elmentary], members of the scientific exploration team drove out along their chief’s footprints, hoping to find him. They were able to identify a spot wher their chief had been sitting for a rest. However, in the end they couldn’t find him. After coming back to their camp, they turned on car lights and fired signal flares …

[simplified Chinese]

失踪  [5]


第二天,部队的飞机送来了水。队员把队长失踪的消息告诉了飞行员. 于是飞行员在方圆20公里内低空飞行, 寻找彭加木。

从飞机上能看见地上的兔子跑, 但是却看不到彭加木。

6月19日, 彭加木失踪的消息传到了北京,北京向部队下命令:”一定要找到彭加木!”

就在那一天,部队用飞机向队员运送了汽油. 部队是不可以用飞机运汽油的。可是北京的命令是, 用一切办法找到彭加木,所以部队才可以用飞机运汽油。


第二天,136人加入寻找, 在方圆30公里内仔细寻找,一块石头,一根草都不放过。飞机起飞12架次,低空飞行,大面积寻找。



下面就应该去更东的, 可以生存的地方寻找了。


[vocab table]


Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
每    每    mei3    each; every;
飞行员    飛行員    fei1 xing2 yuan2    pilot
方圆    方圓    fang1 yuan2    in every direction
公里    公里    gong1 li3    kilometer
低空    低空    di1 kong1    low altitude
兔子    兔子    tu4 zi5    rabbit
跑    跑    pao3    to run
命令    命令    ming4 ling4    order
一定    一定    yi1 ding4    surely; must;
一切    一切    yi1 qie4    everything; all
办法    辦法    ban4 fa3    means; method; way (of doing sth)
加入    加入    jia1 ru4    to join
仔细    仔細    zi3 xi4    carefully
石头    石頭    shi2 tou5    stone
草    草    cao3    grass; straw;
放过    放過    fang4 guo4    to let slip by
架次    架次    jia4 ci4    number of sorties (of military planes);
面积    面積    mian4 ji5    area (of a floor, piece of land etc); surface area; tract of land;
相机    相機    xiang4 ji1    camera
水壶    水壺    shui3 hu2    watering bottle;
笔记本    筆記本    bi3 ji4 ben3    notebook
线索    線索    xian4 suo3    clues
无法    無法    wu2 fa3    unable; incapable;
生存    生存    sheng1 cun2    to survive;
下面    下面    xia4 mian5    the following;
应该    應該    ying1 gai1    should; must;


shī zōng  [5]

chē dēng kāi le yī wǎn。 xìnhào tán měi bànge xiǎoshí fā yīcì。 kěshì, Péng jiā mù méiyǒu huílai。

dì’èrtiān, bùduì de fēijī sòng lái le shuǐ。 duìyuán bǎ duìzhǎng shīzōng de xiāoxi gàosu le fēixíngyuán. yúshì fēixíngyuán zài fāngyuán20 gōnglǐ nèi dīkōng fēixíng, xúnzhǎo Péng jiā mù。

cóng fēijī shàng néng kànjiàn dìshang de tùzi pǎo, dànshì què kàn bùdào Péng jiā mù。

6 yuè19 rì, Péng jiā mù shīzōng de xiāoxi chuán dàoliǎo Běijīng, Běijīng xiàng bùduì xià mìnglìng:” yīdìngyào zhǎodào Péng jiā mù!”

jiù zài nà yī tiān, bùduì yòng fēijī xiàng duìyuán yùnsòng le qìyóu. bùduì shì bùkěyǐ yòng fēijī yùn qìyóu de。 kěshì Běijīng de mìnglìng shì, yòng yīqiè bànfǎ zhǎodào Péng jiā mù, suǒyǐ bùduì cái kěyǐ yòng fēijī yùn qìyóu。

yǒule qìyóu yǐhòu, duìyuán men kāichē xiàngdōng jiēzhe zhǎo, dàn háishi méiyǒu zhǎodào duìzhǎng。

dì’èrtiān,136 rén jiārù xúnzhǎo, zài fāngyuán30 gōnglǐ nèi zǐxì xúnzhǎo, yīkuài shítou, yī gēn cǎo dōu bù fàngguò。 fēijī qǐfēi12 jiàcì, dīkōng fēixíng, dà miànji xúnzhǎo。

Péng jiā mù zǒu de shíhou dài zhe liǎng gè xiàngjī, liǎng gè shuǐhú, hé yī gè bǐjìběn。 zhè cì xúnzhǎo jìnxíng le shí tiān, méiyǒu fāxiàn yīdiǎn xiànsuǒ。

zài zhè shí tiān lǐ, dàjiā yǐjīng bǎ Luóbùbó rén wúfǎ shēngcún de dìfang zhǎo guò le。

xiàmian jiù yīnggāi qù gèng dōng de, kěyǐ shēngcún de dìfang xúnzhǎo le。


[traditional Chinese]


失蹤  [5]


第二天,部隊的飛機送來了水。隊員把隊長失蹤的消息告訴了飛行員. 於是飛行員在方圓20公裏內低空飛行, 尋找彭加木。

從飛機上能看見地上的兔子跑, 但是卻看不到彭加木。

6月19日, 彭加木失蹤的消息傳到了北京,北京向部隊下命令:”一定要找到彭加木!”

就在那一天,部隊用飛機向隊員運送了汽油. 部隊是不可以用飛機運汽油的。可是北京的命令是, 用一切辦法找到彭加木,所以部隊才可以用飛機運汽油。


第二天,136人加入尋找, 在方圓30公裏內仔細尋找,一塊石頭,一根草都不放過。飛機起飛12架次,低空飛行,大面積尋找。



下面就應該去更東的, 可以生存的地方尋找了。


[English translation]

Missing  [5]

The car light was on all night. Signal flares were fired every half hour. However, Peng didn’t come back.

The next day, the army delivered water by air. The team told the pilot that their chief was missing. The pilot then flew low in circles over 20 square kilometer area. Even the rabbit could be spotted from the plane, but Peng was nowher to be found.

June 19, Peng’s missing was reported to Beijing. Beijing gave order to the army:” Peng Jia Mu must be found!”

On that day, the army delivered gas to the team. Gas was not allowed to be delivered by air in the army. However the order from Beijing was, to find Peng by every possible way. So the army gave approved to deliver gas by air.

once gas was available, the team went on driving to the east to look for their chief. But he was nowher to be found.

The next day, 136 people joined the search within 30 square kilometers area. Not a stone or a single blade of grass was missed. 12 sorties were flown. The planes flew at low altitude while searching over vast areas.

Peng Jia Mu carried two cameras, two water bottles, and one notebook when he left. This run of search lasted for 10 days, no valuable clue was found.

In those ten days, they had searched all the non survivable area of Lop Nur.

The next step would be to search the far east and survivable area.


To be continued …


10/02 01:25
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