A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 7 [Elmentary]
日期:2015-02-28 20:23  点击:563
The searches for the missing scientist didn’t bring him or his body back: A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 6 [Elmentary]. However, people never gave up on finding him or his soul in Lop Nur. Decades later, some dried corpse emerged from the sand …

[simplified Chinese]

失踪  [7]

对于彭加木的失踪,最可能的原因是,他因为劳累倒在地上, 被沙埋了起来。




2007年,另一具干尸被发现。这一次,大家觉得可能性很大。因为干尸带着上海牌手表,穿着白衬衣,蓝裤子。这些和彭加木失踪时的穿着是一样的。于是人们把干尸身上的取样带了回来,取样有他的头发,衣服, 裤子,还有手表和皮带。



[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
最    最    zui4    the most
原因    原因    yuan2 yin1    cause; reason
劳累    勞累    lao2 lei4    tiredness; worn out
倒    倒    dao3    to fall; to collapse
被    被    bei4     by (indicates passive-voice clauses)
埋    埋    mai2    to bury
经过    經過    jing1 guo4    to go through
那么    那麼    na4 me5    so very much
谜    謎    mi2    mystery
希望    希望    xi1 wang4    to wish for; hope
具    具    ju4    classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies
干尸    乾屍    gan1 shi1    mummy; dried corpse
测试    測試    ce4 shi4    to test
结果    結果    jie1 guo3    result
证明    證明    zheng4 ming2    to prove
带着    帶著    dai4 zhe    wear (watch, glasses etc.)
上海    上海    Shang4 hai3    Shanghai
牌    牌    pai2    brand
手表    手錶    shou3 biao3    wrist watch
穿着    穿著    chuan1 zhe    wear
白    白    bai2    white
衬衣    襯衣    chen4 yi1    shirt
蓝    藍    lan2    blue
裤子    褲子    ku4 zi5    trousers; pants
一样    一樣    yi1 yang4    same
取样    取樣    qu3 yang4    sample
头发    頭髮    tou2 fa5    hair (on the head)
衣服    衣服    yi1 fu5    clothes
皮带    皮帶    pi2 dai4    leather belt
好友    好友    hao3 you3    close friend
式    式    shi4    type; style;
纹路    紋路    wen2 lu4    veined pattern


shī zōng  [7]

duìyú Péng jiā mù de shīzōng, zuì kěnéng de yuányīn shì, tā yīnwèi láolèi dǎo zài dìshang, bèi shā mái le qilai。

dànshì, dàjiā wúfǎ lǐjiě de shì, jīngguò nàme duōcì, nàme duō rén zǐ zǐxì xì de xúnzhǎo, wèishénme yīdiǎnr hénjì dōu zhǎobudào?

cóng nà yǐhòu, Péng jiā mù de shīzōng chéngle Luóbùbó de yī gè mèi。 hòulái qù Luóbùbó de rén dūhuì xiǎngqǐ zhège shīzōng de kēxuéjiā, dūhuì xīwàng zhǎodào tā。

2005 nián, rénmen zài Luóbùbó fāxiàn yī jù gānshī。 gānshī bèi yùn le huílai, zuò leDNA cèshì。 kěshì jiéguǒ zhèngmíng tā bùshì Péng jiā mù。

2007 nián, lìngyī jù gānshī bèi fāxiàn。 zhè yīcì, dàjiā juéde kěnéngxìng hěn dà。 yīnwèi gānshī dài zhe Shàng Hǎi pái shǒubiǎo, chuānzhe bái chènyī, lán kùzi。 zhèxiē hé Péng jiā mù shīzōng shí de chuānzhuó shì yīyàng de。 yúshì rénmen bǎ gānshī shēnshang de qǔyàng dài le huílai, qǔyàng yǒu tā de tóufa, yīfu, kùzi, háiyǒu shǒubiǎo hé pídài。

Péng jiā mù de hǎoyǒu Yán xiānsheng kàn guò zhèxiē qǔyàng hòu, rènwéi tāmen dōu bùshì Péng jiā mù de。 dàilái de shǒubiǎo shì nǚ shì de, ér bùshì nán shì de。 yīfu de wénlù hé Péng jiā mù chuān de yě bùyīyàng。 gānshī shì lìngyī gè èrshíduō niánqián shīzōng de rén, dàn bùshì Péng jiā mù。


[traditional Chinese]

失蹤  [7]

對於彭加木的失蹤,最可能的原因是,他因為勞累倒在地上, 被沙埋了起來。




2007年,另一具幹屍被發現。這一次,大家覺得可能性很大。因為幹屍帶著上海牌手表,穿著白襯衣,藍褲子。這些和彭加木失蹤時的穿著是一樣的。於是人們把幹屍身上的取樣帶了回來,取樣有他的頭發,衣服, 褲子,還有手表和皮帶。



[English translation]

Missing  [7]

As for the reason why Peng was missing, the most reasonable explanation was that he was exhausted and collapsed. After that he got buried by the sand.

However, it was hard for people to understand that, after so many thorough searches, why not even a tiny trace of him were even discovered.

Since then on, the missing of Peng Jia Mu became a mystery of Lop Nur. People that came to Lop Nur later on would think of that missing scientist, would hope to find him.

2005, people discovered a dried corpse in Lop Nur. The corpse was brought back for a DNA test. However the result proved that it was not Peng Jia Mu.

2007, another dried corpse was discovered. This time, people thought it was quite possible Peng Jia Mu. That’s because the corpse was wearing a Shanghai Brand watch, white shirt and blues pants. Exactly the way Peng was wearing when he was missing. Therefore people brought back samples of the corpse, which includes his hair, clothes, pants, and his watch and belt.

Then Peng’s good friend Mr. Yan had a good look at those samples, he believed they didn’t belong to Peng Jia Mu. The watch being brought back was a women’s watch, not men’s. The pattern of the clothes was not the same as that of Peng’s. The died corpse was another missing person lost in more 20 years ago, but it was not Peng Jia Mu.


To be continued …


10/01 21:25
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