A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 10 [Elementary]
日期:2015-02-28 20:56  点击:396
So Yu Chun Shun hiked into Lop Nur alone in the morning of June 11, 1996: A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 9 [Elmentary]. The TV crews drove out again in the afternoon towards Qianjin Bridge to wait and meet Yu Chun Shun in two days. On their way to Qianjin Bridge, they caught up with Yu and had a brief talk with him to make sure he was OK to continue …

[simplified Chinese]

失踪  [10]


组员们又上了车,接着向前进桥开去。在他们的计划里,前进桥是余纯顺两天后和他们会合的地方. 余纯顺一边走,一边向车子里的组员们挥手。”我们前进桥见!”他大声说。




[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
追    追    zhui1    to chase after
擦汗    擦汗    ca1 han4    to wipe one’s sweat off
剩下    剩下    sheng4 xia4    to remain; left over
前进    前進    qian2 jin4    to forge ahead
桥    橋    qiao2    bridge
会合    會合    hui4 he2    to join; to meet
挥手    揮手    hui1 shou3    to wave (one’s hand)
大声    大聲    da4 sheng1    in a loud voice
新    新    xin1    new
等待    等待    deng3 dai4    to wait; to wait for
按    按    an4    according to
晚饭    晚飯    wan3 fan4    dinner
一阵    一陣    yi1 zhen4    a burst of (wind etc.)
卷着    卷著    juan4 zhe1    whirled with
沙土    沙土    sha1 tu3    sandy soil
正要    正要    zheng4 yao4    just about to
忙    忙    mang2    hurriedly
钻进    鑽進    zuan1 jin4    to get into; to squeeze into
沙尘暴    沙塵暴    sha1 chen2 bao4    sandstorm
一直    一直    yi1 zhi2    continuously
停    停    ting2    to stop
担心    擔心    dan1 xin1    to worry
处境    處境    chu3 jing4    plight; unfavorable situation


shī zōng  [10]

sì diǎn bàn de shíhou, chēzi zhuīshàng le yú chún shùn。 zǔ yuán men xià le chē, zhuī zhe zhèngzài xíngzǒu de yú chún shùn wèn zhè wèn nà。 yú chún shùn yībiān cā hàn, yībiān xiào zhe duì tāmen shuō,” cóng chūfā dàoxiànzài, wǒ yīcì méi xiūxi。 jīntiān huì zǎodiǎn shuì, míngtiān zǎodiǎn zǒu。 shèngxià de lù wǒ yī tiān bàn jiù néng zǒu wán!”

zǔ yuán men yòu shàng le chē, jiēzhe xiàng qiánjìn qiáo kāi qù。 zài tāmen de jìhuà lǐ, qiánjìn qiáo shì yú chún shùn liǎng tiān hòu hé tāmen huìhé de dìfang. yú chún shùn yībiān zǒu, yībiān xiàng chēzi lǐ de zǔ yuán men huīshǒu。” wǒmen qiánjìn qiáo jiàn!” tā dàshēng shuō。

yǔ yú chún shùn gàobié hòu, shè zhì zǔ de chē xiàng qiánjìn qiáo kāi qù。 dì’èrtiān zhōngwǔ, yějiùshì6 yuè12 rì, tāmen kāi dàoliǎo qiánjìn qiáo。 zhèlǐ shì tāmen de xīn yíngdì, tāmen huì zài zhèlǐ děngdài yú chún shùn。 àn jìhuà, yú chún shùn huì zài6 yuè13 rì yǔ tāmen huìhé。

6 yuè12 rì wǎnfàn de shíhou, yīzhèn dàfēng juǎn zhe shātǔ xiàng tāmen pū lái。 zhèngyào chī wǎnfàn de zǔ yuán men máng zuānjìn chēzi lǐ。 tāmen míngbai zhè shì shāchénbào lái le。 shāchénbào yīzhí méi tíng, dào6 yuè13 rì zǎoshang, fēng hái hěn dà。 zǔ yuán men kāishǐ dānxīn yú chún shùn de chǔjìng。 tāmen děng le yī tiān, yú chún shùn méiyǒu chūxiàn。


[traditional Chinese]

失蹤  [10]


組員們又上了車,接著向前進橋開去。在他們的計劃裏,前進橋是餘純順兩天後和他們會合的地方. 餘純順一邊走,一邊向車子裏的組員們揮手。”我們前進橋見!”他大聲說。




[English translation]

Missing  [10]

Around 4 o’clock, the car caught up with Yu Chun Shun. The crews jumped out of their car and surrounded Yu with this and that questions. Yu Chun Shun answered them with a smile while wiping away sweat, “From start to now I haven’t had a single break. I’m going to sleep early today and get up early tomorrow. The rest of the journey, I should be able to finish within one and half day.”

The crews got back in their car and went on driving to Qian Jin Bridge. In their plan, that was the place that Yu Chun Shun supposed to join them two days later. Yu Chun Shun waved and shouted to them while walking, “Let’s meet at Qian Jin Bridge!”

Bidding good bye to Yu Chun Shun, the TV crews kept driving toward Qian Jin Bridge. At noon next day, June 12, they arrived at Qian Jin Bridge, which became a new campsite for them. They would have to stay there and wait for Yu Chun Shun. Yu Chun Shun would meet them there on June 13.

In the following evening of June 12, a burst of sandy gusty wind roared toward them. They realized that it was sandstorm. The sandstorm didn’t stop. Even till the morning of June 13, the wind was still strong. They started to worry about Yu Chun Shun. They waited for him for the whole day, he didn’t show up.


To be continued …


10/01 15:20
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