A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 11 [Elementary]
日期:2015-02-28 20:57  点击:407
Yu Chun Shun wasn’t able to join the TV crews at Qian Jin Bridge on June 13 as planned: A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 10 [Elmentary]. Then the crews went searching for him. But he was nowher to be found. Then the crews sent out messages reporting his missing and asking for help …

[simplified Chinese]

失踪  [11]

6月14日,组员们开始顺着余纯顺的行走路线寻找他。找了一天都没有找到。于是他们把余纯顺失踪的消息发了出去,请求救援。在接下来的几天里,组员们继续分头寻找。17日, 第一架救援的飞机飞来了。组员坐上飞机一起寻找,但没有找到。18日,第二架救援飞机飞来了。他们再一次坐上飞机一起寻找余纯顺。45分钟后,飞行员让组员到飞机前部,他指着地面上一个蓝点问,”那是什么?” “那是余纯顺的帐篷啊!”组员叫了起来。

飞机降落在帐篷的20米以外。大家一边喊着”余老师!余老师!” 一边向余纯顺的帐篷跑去。当人们跑到帐篷边,余纯顺并没有出现。但是人们闻到一阵恶臭。往帐篷里一看,余纯顺一动不动地躺在里面。已经死亡好几天了。

余纯顺遇难的消息让大家很悲痛。他的死因是脱水而死. 但最主要的原因是, 他在一个右转路口没有右转, 而是直行. 迷路以后他就找不到下一个埋水点了. 最后进入缺水, 缺食物的处境. 而6月10日他亲自埋下的水和食物离他只有3公里.


[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
请求    請求    qing3 qiu2    request
救援    救援    jiu4 yuan2    to rescue; to help
分头    分頭    fen1 tou2    separately
分钟    分鐘    fen1 zhong1    minute
前部    前部    qian2 bu4    front part
指着    指著    zhi3 zhe1    to point at or to (with finger)
蓝点    藍點    lan2 dian3    blue dot
帐篷    帳篷    zhang4 peng5    tent
降落    降落    jiang4 luo4    to descend; to land
闻到    聞到    wen2 dao4    to smell; to sniff sth out
恶臭    惡臭    e4 chou4    stink
一动不动    一動不動    yi1 dong4 bu4 dong4    motionless
躺    躺    tang3    to lie down
死亡    死亡    si3 wang2    to die; death
遇难    遇難    yu4 nan4    to perish; to be killed
悲痛    悲痛    bei1 tong4    grieved; sorrowful
死因    死因    si3 yin1    cause of death;
脱水    脫水    tuo1 shui3    dehydration
右转    右轉    you4 zhuan3    to turn right
路口    路口    lu4 kou3    crossing; intersection (of roads)
直行    直行    zhi2 xing2    to go straight
迷路    迷路    mi2 lu4    to lose the way; lost
离    離    li2    be far away from


shī zōng  [11]

6 yuè14 rì, zǔ yuán men kāishǐ shùnzhe yú chún shùn de xíngzǒu lùxiàn xúnzhǎo tā。 zhǎo le yī tiān dōu méiyǒu zhǎodào。 yúshì tāmen bǎ yú chún shùn shīzōng de xiāoxi fā le chūqù, qǐngqiú jiùyuán。 zài jiēxiàlái de jǐtiān lǐ, zǔ yuán men jìxù fēntóu xúnzhǎo。17 rì, dìyī jià jiùyuán de fēijī fēi lái le。 zǔ yuán zuò shàng fēijī yīqǐ xúnzhǎo, dàn méiyǒu zhǎodào。18 rì, dì’èr jià jiùyuán fēijī fēi lái le。 tāmen zàiyīcì zuò shàng fēijī yīqǐ xúnzhǎo yú chún shùn。45 fēnzhōng hòu, fēixíngyuán ràng zǔ yuán dào fēijī qiánbù, tā zhǐ zhe dìmiàn shàngyīge lán diǎn wèn,” nàshi shénme?” ” nàshi yú chún shùn de zhàngpeng ā!” zǔ yuán jiào le qilai。

fēijī jiàngluò zài zhàngpeng de20 mǐ yǐwài。 dàjiā yībiān hǎn zhe” yú lǎoshī! yú lǎoshī!” yībiān xiàng yú chún shùn de zhàngpeng pǎo qù。 dāng rénmen pǎo dào zhàngpeng biān, yú chún shùn bìng méiyǒu chūxiàn。 dànshì rénmen wéndào yīzhèn èchòu。 wǎng zhàngpeng lǐ yī kàn, yú chún shùn yīdòngbùdòng dì tǎng zài lǐmiàn。 yǐjīng sǐwáng hǎo jǐtiān le。

yú chún shùn yùnàn de xiāoxi ràng dàjiā hěn bēitòng。 tā de sǐyīn shì tuōshuǐ ér sǐ. dàn zuì zhǔyào de yuányīn shì, tā zài yī gè yòuzhuǎn lùkǒu méiyǒu yòuzhuǎn, érshì zhíxíng. mílù yǐhòu tā jiù zhǎobudào xiàyīge mái shuǐ diǎn le. zuìhòu jìnrù quēshuǐ, quē shíwù de chǔjìng. ér6 yuè10 rì tā qīnzì mái xià de shuǐ hé shíwù lí tā zhǐyǒu3 gōnglǐ.


[traditional Chinese]

失蹤  [11]

6月14日,組員們開始順著餘純順的行走路線尋找他。找了一天都沒有找到。於是他們把餘純順失蹤的消息發了出去,請求救援。在接下來的幾天裏,組員們繼續分頭尋找。17日, 第一架救援的飛機飛來了。組員坐上飛機一起尋找,但沒有找到。18日,第二架救援飛機飛來了。他們再一次坐上飛機一起尋找餘純順。45分鍾後,飛行員讓組員到飛機前部,他指著地面上一個藍點問,”那是什麼?” “那是餘純順的帳篷啊!”組員叫了起來。

飛機降落在帳篷的20米以外。大家一邊喊著”餘老師!餘老師!” 一邊向餘純順的帳篷跑去。當人們跑到帳篷邊,餘純順並沒有出現。但是人們聞到一陣惡臭。往帳篷裏一看,餘純順一動不動地躺在裏面。已經死亡好幾天了。

餘純順遇難的消息讓大家很悲痛。他的死因是脫水而死. 但最主要的原因是, 他在一個右轉路口沒有右轉, 而是直行. 迷路以後他就找不到下一個埋水點了. 最後進入缺水, 缺食物的處境. 而6月10日他親自埋下的水和食物離他只有3公裏.


[English translation]

Missing  [11]

June 14, the team started to look for Yu Chun Shun along his hiking route. But he was not found after a whole day’s search. Then they sent out massages of Yu’s missing, and asked for help. In the following days, the crews kept searching in groups from all directions. June 17, the first plane arrived. The crews got onto the plane and scouted together, however they didn’t find him. June 18, the second plane came. They got onto the plane once again to search for Yu Chun Shun. 45 minutes later, the pilot asked the crews to come forward, he pointed at a blue dot and asked,”What is that? ” “That has to be Yu Chun Shun’s tent!” the crews cried out.

The plane landed 20 meters away from the tent. They all ran to the tent shouting:”Teacher Yu! Teacher Yu!” When they came near the tent, Yu Chun Shun wasn’t around. But they smelled an awful stench. They peered inside the ten and found out that Yu Chun Shun was lying there motionlessly. He had died for days.

People were devastated by the death of Yu Chun Shun. His cause of death was dehydration. The main reason that led to his death was that he went straight forward at a point wher he was supposed to make a right turn. Being lost, he couldn’t find the next spot wher he buried water and food. It finally left him with no water nor food. Yet the water and food that he buried on June 10 was only 3 kilometers away.


To be continued …


10/01 12:20
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