A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 12 [Elementary]
日期:2015-02-28 20:57  点击:394
Yu Chun Shun was found dead in his tent five days after his missing: A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur 失踪 (Missing) 11 [Elmentary]. As well prepared as he did, he didn’t turn right wher he supposed to turn on the third day. He went straight ahead and missed his chance of surviving. In his last hours, he used his knife, which had accompanied him over the years through many adventures, to dig into the sand hoping to find water. That had left two big sand holes near his body. It also made us to think, probably 26 years ago, Peng Jia Mu did the same thing when he was searching for water alone. The hole he dig was probably deep enough for him to hide inside to cool down a bit. But that eventually led him to be buried deep down with no trace to be found…

[simplified Chinese]

失踪  [12]

彭加木和余纯顺, 两个有着强烈的愿望要征服罗布泊的人,最终都没有走出这片沙漠。彭加木的遗体至今没有找到.


多年以前的罗布泊是个巨大的湖泊。后来,因为自然和人为的原因,它最终变成了沙漠。它的黄沙里埋藏着许多远古文明, 同时也埋藏着神秘的诅咒。


另外,你可千万不要离开同伴, 一个人行走。在这个巨大的耳洞里,你可能会很快迷失方向, 成为下一个失踪的人!


[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
强烈    強烈    qiang2 lie4    intense; strong
愿望    願望    yuan4 wang4    desire; wish
最终    最終    zui4 zhong1    final; ultimate
遗体    遺體    yi2 ti3    remains (of a dead person)
至今    至今    zhi4 jin1    to this day; until now
卫星    衛星    wei4 xing1    (space) satellite
巨大    巨大    ju4 da4    huge; enormous
耳朵    耳朵    er3 duo5    ear
宇宙    宇宙    yu3 zhou4    universe
神秘    神祕    shen2 mi4    mysterious
无声无息    無聲無息    wu2 sheng1 wu2 xi1    noiselessly; silently;
吞噬    吞噬    tun1 shi4    to swallow; to engulf
湖泊    湖泊    hu2 po1    lake
自然    自然    zi4 ran2    nature
人为    人為    ren2 wei2    having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort;
埋藏    埋藏    mai2 cang2    to bury; to hide by burying
远古    遠古    yuan3 gu3    ancient times
文明    文明    wen2 ming2    civilization
诅咒    詛咒    zu3 zhou4    curse; spell
亲爱的    親愛的    qin1 ai4 de5    dear
读者    讀者    du2 zhe3    reader
勇士    勇士    yong3 shi4    a warrior; a brave person
沉睡    沉睡    chen2 shui4    to be fast asleep; to lie undiscovered;
孤单    孤單    gu1 dan1    loneliness
另外    另外    ling4 wai4    in addition; moreover


shī zōng  [12]

Péng jiā mù hé yú chún shùn, liǎng gè yǒuzhe qiángliè de yuànwàng yào zhēngfú Luóbùbó de rén, zuìzhōng dōu méiyǒu zǒuchū zhè piàn shāmò。 Péng jiā mù de yítǐ zhìjīn méiyǒu zhǎodào.

cóng wèixīng shàng kàn, Luóbùbó xiàng yī gè jùdà de ěrduo。 tā yībiān xiàng yǔzhòu fāsòng zhe shénmì de xìnxī, yībiān wúshēngwúxī dì tūnshì zhe shēngmìng。

duō nián yǐqián de Luóbùbó shì gè jùdà de húpō。 hòulái, yīnwèi zìrán hé rénwéi de yuányīn, tā zuìzhōng biànchéng le shāmò。tā de huáng shā lǐ máicáng zhe xǔduō yuǎngǔ wénmíng, tóngshí yě máicáng zhe shénmì de zǔzhòu。

qīn’ài de dúzhě, rúguǒ yǒu yī tiān, nǐ zìjǐ zǒujìn le Luóbùbó zhè piàn shāmò, qǐng xiàng Péng jiā mù hé yú chún shùn liǎng wèi yǒngshì wèn shēng hǎo! tāmen zài shāmò lǐ chénshuì yīdìng hěn gūdān。

lìngwài, nǐ kě qiānwàn bùyào líkāi tóngbàn, yīgèrén xíngzǒu。 zài zhège jùdà de ěrdòng lǐ, nǐ kěnéng huì hěn kuài míshī fāngxiàng, chéngwéi xiàyīge shīzōng de rén!


[traditional Chinese]

失蹤  [12]

彭加木和餘純順, 兩個有著強烈的願望要征服羅布泊的人,最終都沒有走出這片沙漠。彭加木的遺體至今沒有找到.


多年以前的羅布泊是個巨大的湖泊。後來,因為自然和人為的原因,它最終變成了沙漠。它的黃沙裏埋藏著許多遠古文明, 同時也埋藏著神秘的詛咒。


另外,你可千萬不要離開同伴, 一個人行走。在這個巨大的耳洞裏,你可能會很快迷失方向, 成為下一個失蹤的人!


[English translation]

Peng Jia Mu and Yu Chun Shun, two men with strong desire to conquer Lop Nur, weren’t able to walk out of the desert. The body of Peng Jia Mu remained unfound up to today.

Looking from the satellite, Lop Nur is like a giant ear. It is sending mysterious massages to the universe while engulfing lives silently.

Lop Nur was a huge lake many years ago. Sometime later, due to both nature and human caused reasons, it eventually turned into a desert. What buried down in its yellow sand is ancient civilization and mysterious curses.

Dear readers, if one day in the future, you yourself walked into the desert of Lop Nur, please greet to Peng Jia Mu and Yu Chun Shun, the two brave souls. They must have been lonely lying down in the desert.

On a side note, please don’t leave your friends and walk away on your own. In this huge ear hole, you’re very likely to lost your directions, and become the next lost soul!


10/01 09:41
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